Judging a food competition sounds like the most amazing opportunity in the entire universe. I was invited to be a judge at the First Annual Favorite Food Competition at LIC Flea & Food recently. And so I can confirm that it is indeed the greatest thing ever.
But it was really difficult because EVERYTHING WAS DELICIOUS! Also, I don’t like the word “judge.” I prefer to be called, “Tasternator.”
The food purveyors at LIC Flea are all outstanding, with no exceptions. Usually I’ll try one or two things, and then I’m fully satisfied. But the competition required that I taste many more than two dishes. There was an exciting level of representation from around the world — Chinese/South African, Argentinian, Korean, Brazilian, American, just to name a few.
There were five judges: Bradley Hawks, editor-in-chief of BORO Magazine; Rob MacKay of the Queens Economic Development Corporation; NY1 reporter Arlene Borenstein; Blogger Layla Khoury-Hanold of Glass of Rose and yours truly. We voted on the top vendors in the categories of Favorite Food, Favorite Drink and Favorite Dessert.
Visitors to the market could also vote on their favorite food vendor. Over 500 votes were cast!
And the winners were:
Favorite Food Winner: Clean Plate Company! They prepared a cajun shrimp dish, pan sautéeing the shrimp to order and serving it over the creamiest grits I’ve ever had, garnished with cheese and spring onions. Fine dining in styrofoam container – that’s just good eating.

LIC Flea Winners Best Food: Clean Plate Company – Norbert & Chimere Ward

Clean Plate Co.’s Cajun Shrimp over the Creamiest Grits
Favorite Dessert Winner: Ice & Vice! They make fantastically delicious and creative ice cream. I got to try their new ice cream sandwich, Basic B chocolate ice cream between two brownies. Yeah, it was a luscious as it sounds. Read the story I wrote about them recently!

LIC Flea Winner Best Dessert: Ice & Vice! Ken Lo & Paul Kim

Luscious Ice Cream Sandwich from Ice and Vice at LIC Flea
Favorite Drink: Frittering Away! Megan Griffey and Bailey make flavored lemonade that will quench any thirst. When you’re tasting a zillion kinds of food, you get very thirsty. So it was a wonderful relief to suck down a glass of their icy strawberry iced tea. Check out the story I wrote about them too!

Favoriet Drink at LIC Flea & Food: Frittering Away – Megan Griffey and LIC Flea’s Elizabeth Aloni

Try all flavors of Frittering Away Lemonades!
Visitor Favorite: Drink More Good! The display alone of these handcrafted soda syrups is impressive, and the samples are generous. The Cassia Cream is their version of a cola, and the root beer, my personal favorite soda, is truly tasty. The ginger ale is strong and satisfying. In the middle of summer, it’s no wonder that everybody loves an icy cold soda like these ones!

LIC Flea Winner Visitor Favorite: Drink More Good – Jason Schuler and a friend

Drink More Good Soda Syrups at LIC Flea
I will be telling you about some of the equally scrumptious and innovative dishes I tried at the LIC Flea! Many thanks to the Flea for inviting me to participate! And thanks to my friends Wynn Gavin, Josie Castañeda and Martin Lopez for coming with me, and giving me their opinions when their mouths weren’t full!
Why don’t you visit the Flea this Saturday, or their partner market, the Astoria Flea, on Sunday, and tell me about all the amazing food you tried there?
~Karen Seiger, Markets of New York City
#KarenSeiger #Lemonade #ChimereWard #GlassofRoseBlog #NorbertWard #LICFleasElizabethAloni #StrawberryLemonade #Cajunshrimpovergrits #DrinkMoreGood #DrinkMoreGoodSodaSyrup #ArleneBorenstein #BradleyHawks #KenLo #JasonSchuler #judgingafoodcompetionisthegreatestthingever #LICFlea #FavoriteFoodCompetitionWinner #ElizabethAloni #Mumbai #FoodJudge #IceCreamSandwich #FavoriteDrink #QueensEconomicDevelomentCorporation #FritteringAwayMeganGriffey #MarketsofNewYorkCity #AstoriaFleaWinners #PaulKim #FritteringAway #MarketsofNeworkCity #NY1 #Tasternator #ChocolateBasicBandBrownies #MeganGriffey #RobMacKay #BOROmagazine #LaylaKhouryHanold