Super Duper Market 2013
Super (Duper) Market opened on Friday, and I managed to sneak away for an hour and run down for lunch. Hosted by Paper Magazine, the market features an exciting and diverse selection of food and food related products. Most of the sellers are from New York City, and the market is also hosting some outstanding companies from the West Coast.
I wanted to share some images of the things I saw, ate and purchased.

Humphry Slocombe’s Secret Breakfast Ice Cream at Super Duper Market
The highlight of my lunchtime market rendezvous involved meeting Jake Godby, founder of Humphry Slocombe out of San Francisco, and savoring my second scoop of their Secret Breakfast ice cream (I had the first scoop last year at Super Duper). Then I wandered over to the next aisle and the Modern Appealing Clothing booth, which serendipitously had a single copy of the Humphry Slocombe Ice Cream Book. So I scooped up the book (pun intended) and raced back around the corner, where Jake autographed it for me. To celebrate, my James is picking up a new ice cream maker for us this weekend (our other one got kidnapped).

Handmade Tableware from Modern Appealing Clothing at Super Duper Market
The maple bacon cheddar corn bread I had from Jack’s ChedBread was incredible: moist, sweet, bacony and luscious. Then I tried my first shrub, a lovely carbonated drink from my friend Evelyn at Sour Puss Pickles. It kind of reminded me of my first sarsparilla, which I had in Park City, Utah when I was about 6 years old. The two drinks share a medicinal history. A shrub is a refreshing soda with a fruit syrup and vinegar base. So it’s slightly sweet but also quite tart. I’d say it’s an acquired taste, but by the bottom of my cup, I felt refreshed and invigorated.

Jack’s Maple Bacon ChedBread at Super Duper Market

Evelyn from Sour Puss Pickles makes a Black Current Shrub Vinegar Soda at Super Duper Market
I was so happy to see Monsieur Singh, maker of outstanding Indian lassi and lassi pops. I understand they are at Smorgasburg, which is wonderful, but I miss seeing their cart out at Union Square when and where I needed a mango lassi pop! I also loved learning about Best Made Co. out of Brooklyn. I’ll be looking into their products much more closely!

Monsieur Singh Lassi at Super Duper Market
Don’t miss Super (Duper) Market this weekend. I’d get there as early as possible, because last year there were large, enthusiastic crowds all weekend with lines around the block to get inside.
NOTE: Super (Duper) Market is in a different location this year: 268 Mulberry Street, open Friday, July 13th, 11 a.m.-4 p.m.; Saturday, July 14th, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Sunday, July 15th, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Cash and credit cards are accepted.
Also note that the Nolita Market featuring a great collection of handmade artisans is right around the corner on Prince Street!

Best Made Co. at Super Duper Market
~Karen Seiger, Markets of New York City
#KarenSeiger #FoodMarket #PaperMagazine #BestMadeCompany #NolitaMarket #JacksChedBread #SourpussPickles #LassiLassiPop #Brooklyn #MapleBaconCheddarCornBread #Shurb #MonsieurSingh #HumphrySlocombeIcecreambook #MangoLassi #JakeGodby #IceCreamMaker #NewYorkCity #unionsquare #Chedbreat #MyJames #MarketsofNewYorkCity #ModernAppealingClothing #HumphrySlocombe #SecretBreakfast #SourPussPickles #MulberryStreet #SuperDuperMarket #PrinceStreet #Nolita #IceCeram