The venerable Grand Central Terminal turned 100 years old this weekend! It was almost razed to the ground in the 1970’s to make way for some sort of abominable modern nonsense. We owe a huge debt of gratitude to Jackie Kennedy Onassis and her cohorts for taking the action required to save this marvelous building by having it declared a national historic landmark in 1976.
Among its many marvels is the Grand Central Market. I daresay most people race through this food emporium, grabbing a bite to eat in their rush to get back to the office or catch a train home.
It was only when I started researching for Markets of New York City that I truly explored the wonderful and diverse array of food products available in this market. Did you know:
Ceriello Fine Foods dry ages its beef right on the premises?
Pescatore has a phenomenal selection of American and imported fine caviars?
Dishes at Home will let you taste their delectable sweets and savories before you place your order?
Li-Lac Chocolates uses vintage molds to make their beautiful nut mix bonbons?
Spices & Tease offers 180 varieties of tea, not to mention over 100 herb blends?
A dozen world class purveyors of seafood, breads, pastries, fresh produce, chocolates, candy and coffee grace this historic hall. Do yourself a favor and take some time to stroll through each shop and enjoy the treats and surprises you are sure to find there. And don’t forget to whistle “Happy Birthday” when you get there. Jackie O. would appreciate it.
#MarketsofNYC #KarenSeiger #FoodMarket #dryagedbeef #GrandCentralMarket #MarketsNYC #candy #100thBirthday #NYCMarkets #100YearsOld #seafood #HappyBirthday #vintagemolds #SpicesandTease #Chocolates #NewYorkFoodMarket #FreshProduce #historichall #DishesAtHome #Pescatore #nutmixbonbons #Train #JackieO #180varietiesofteas #ImportedCaviar #AmericanCaviar #JackieKennedyOnassis #coffee #MarketsofNewYorkCity #MarketsofNewYork #LiLacChocolates #CerielloFineFoods #breads #pastries #GrandCentralTerminal #Foodemporium