Well, hello there!
I cannot believe I’ve been off the blog for this many days. Suffice it to say that we were inconvenienced by Sandy in a minor way compared to many people. That said, it has been very discombobulating and tiring being displaced from home. But we’re back, and we’re getting back into our groove.
Some of the markets and market sellers were adversely affected by the hurricane. The Union Square Greenmarket is setting up a few blocks north in Madison Square until all the trucks from visiting utility teams can go home. We’ve seen trucks from Georgia, DC and Louisiana, to name just a few, all here helping restore electricity to the region. A hearty thank you to them and to everyone who has helped anyone during these trying times.
If you have any specific information on how we can help our markets or market sellers, please leave a comment below, and I’ll post it to Facebook and Twitter.
On a hopeful note, the holidays are almost upon us! I was able to walk by the Holiday Shops Bryant Park the day after the storm. Despite having opened just a few days before the hurricane, it looks like they were okay. I’ve been watching the Union Square Holiday Market being built for their Friday opening. The Grand Central Holiday Fair opened today!
So I thought I would give you some updates about Markets of New York City over the next few weeks!
2012 Holiday Markets List: I am planning to launch the Third Annual Holiday Markets of New York City List by Thursday, November 15. If you are putting on a market, send me your information to be included in the list – Karen@MarketsOfNewYork.com.
Newly Designed Website: I have loved this blog format for almost three years, and now it is time for an update! I am working with a fantastic web development company, Think Work Media, and I cannot wait for you to see it. It’s going to be so pretty.
Gift Lists: This year, we will be putting out fun gift lists! I want you to feel what it’s like to give the best gifts under the tree. I’ll be sending out product submission details in an email to vendors on Tuesday, so please sign up for the Markets of New York Mailing List!
Holiday Markets on NY1: Hurricane Sandy canceled my November segment, but I will be on NY1 with Kristen Shaughnessy by hook or by crook throughout the weekend of December 1 & 2. Please tune in!
I am so excited for the holiday season, and I hope you will all join me in shopping for gorgeous gifts handmade by local artisans and food purveyors in our markets.
And if the media tries to freak us out about the Thanksgiving Storms impossibly far in advance, I invite you to relax by staring into the rolling serene green lushness of the broccoli landscape in the photo above or in your neighborhood farmers market.
#NewYorkHolidayMarkets #Sandy #visitingutilityteams #HolidayMarketsonNY1 #HurricaneSandy #Broccoli #bestgiftsunderthetree #KristenShaughnessy #FunGiftLists #GrandCentral #Holidays #MadisonSquare #Broccolilandscape #GrandCentralHolidayFair #MailingList #MarketSellers #Greenmarket #UnionSquareHolidayMarket #holidaymarkets #HolidayShopsatBryantPark #BryantPark #GIftLists #NY1 #HolidayShops #UnionSquareGreenmarket #HolidayPlans #MarketHolidays