“Outside of a dog, a book is a man’s best friend. Inside of a dog it’s too dark to read.” ~ Groucho Marx
Devin Kain, the designer behind Love Hue Studios, would agree. That’s why he turns books into lamps. And clocks. And speakers. So those book covers we’re forever judging? Now we can admire them in a different way.
I first saw Devin’s work at Artists & Fleas in Williamsburg, and we met up again at the Greenpointers Spring Market. Devin takes beautiful old books and transforms them into whimsical, decorative and useful items. You may gasp at the idea of using books for something other than reading, but the fact a lot of books meet worse fates in these digital days.
The book clocks struck my fancy, especially the cookbooks with knife and fork hands. His book stack lamps, are a beautiful way to combine modern technology with your own bookish aesthetic.
I swear that Devin comes up with new and even more clever ideas every week. He does custom projects as well. His latest custome effort entails transforming a cool vintage suitcase into a boombox. He recently did a wonderful custom project that was featured on Makeably.com.
Devin and Love Hue Studios are regulars at Artists & Fleas, and he will also be at Renegade Brooklyn in June. Keep an eye out for his Gilt Group sale – I’ll post the link to the Markets of New York City Facebook page when I see it!
Follow Love Hue Studios on Facebook!
Foodie Murder Mystery Clock with Knife and Fork Hands

Alice in Wonderland and Kitty with chasing mouse clock hands

P.S. Did you notice how I subtly tied in one of my favorite Groucho Marx quotes? Finally made it happen!
#KarenSeiger #MarketsNYC #Books #suitcaseboombox #LoveHueStudios #stackedbooklamp #GreenpointersSpringMarket #bookstacklamp #RenegadeBrooklyn #Bookclocks #oldbooks #MurderMystery #BookSpeakers #GiltGroup #Makeablycom #Foodie #MarketsofNewYorkCity #ArtistsandFleas #Williamsburg #MarketsofNewYork #vintagesuitcaseboombox #DevinKain #ArtisanMarket #BookLamp #cookbookclocks #LoveHue #vintagesuitcase #iPodspeakers #GrouchoMarx #boombox #Makeably