So here is a photo of My Market Haul for this past weekend. It doesn’t include all the delicious things I tasted or gobbled up, but I thought it made a pretty collage. I made it to the markets closest to home on Sunday, namely the Fulton Stall Market and the New Amsterdam Market. Items in this photo are the following market items:
Peaches, Tomatoes and a Maitake Mushroom, Do Re Mi Farms – Perfect!
Balsamic Vinaigrette Basico, SchoolHouse Kitchen – Tangy and tasty!
Cream Soda Syrup, P&H Soda Co. – As a gift for someone very lucky special.
Moses Sleeper Cheese, The Cellars at Jasper Hill – It’s creamy and delicious.
The Queens Guard and Ceylon Teas, Bellocq Tea Atelier – Both blends are remarkable, especially iced.
Eiffel Tower Ring, UrbanRose – I got three of these for my Francophile friends to ensure we all end up in Paris together very soon.
I will be featuring the other amazing things I ate at these markets during the week. What treasures did you find?
#KarenSeiger #FoodMarket #TheCellarsatJasperHill #July16172011 #MosesSleeperCheese #MyMarketHaul #MaitakeMushroom #SchoolHouseKitchen #EiffelTowerRing #BellocqTeaAtelier #Treasures #peaches #Paris #FarmersMarket #BalsamicVinaigretteBasico #NewYorkCity #Francophile #Tomatoes #HauLVideo #FleaMarkets #MarketsofNewYorkCity #FultonStallMarket #PampHSodaampCo #TheQueensGuard #CeyonOPTea #ArtisanMarket #NewAmsterdamMarket #DoReMiFarms #CreamSodaSyrup