My Tiny Nieces totally rocked their new T-shirts from Rock Star Revolution!
I have an orange on orange version of the this same shirt, and it just makes me happy to wear it. So I wanted to share the love with Tessa and Maddie this year. Luckily, Rock Star Revolution had another killer set up at the Union Square Holiday Market, selling their entire badass collection. They tees are all great. I have a soft spot for their Anarchy in the Pre-K design. Wish I’d gotten that before Tessie started Kindergarten because her parents would have loved it!
At the end of the day, though, it’s about the way these graphic tees connect you with some of the best music on Earth.
Check out all the designs at Rock Star Revolution online, and definitely sign up for their mailing list for events and deals!
Rock on!
NOTE: Maddie on the right was the face of my Holiday Markets Guide this year! She’s grown a lot since we took that picture for the Guidebook, and she’s more wonderful than ever!
#KarenSeiger #NYCMarkets #KidsClothing #MarketsNYC #Badass #HolidayMarket #Nieces #Tessa #Tshirt #NewYork #AllYouNeedIsLove #shopping #UnionSquareHolidayMarket #HolidayMarketsGuide #NYC #RockandRoll #MarketsofNewYorkCity #TheFaceoftheHolidayMarketsGuide #MarketsofNewYork #TinyNieces #kids #RockOn #GraphicTees #Guidebook #RockStarRevolution #AnarcyinthePreK #Kindergarten #Maddie