I devoured this beef brisket sandwich from the Fatty Crew at the Madison Square Market. Fatty Crab, Fatty ‘Cue, and Cabrito are serving up their delicious specialties all in one booth at the market. So you can cross all three off your Bucket List in one fell swoop! This sandwich had melt-in-your-mouth bits of beef brisket, sprinkled with chili jam, sliced red onion, pickled red onion, special cheese sauce, and cilantro on a fresh baguette. Yeah, it was good!
The Madison Square Market has a huge selection of local food and high-end crafts. It runs 7-days a week, 11AM – 8PM through October 23 on the Broadway/5th Ave side of Madison Square Park at 23rd St. It’s a great place to shop, eat, or stroll hand-in-hand in the evening under the twinkle lights.
Fatty Crab, Fatty ‘Cue, Cabrito, Madison Square Market
#KarenSeiger #MarketsNYC #cheese #MadisonSquarepark #NYCMarkets #eveningmarket #twinklelights #baguette #cilantro #Brisket #Sandwich #BrisketSandwich #pickled #localfood #redonion #MarketsofNewYorkCity #FattyCrew #FattyCrab #Cabrito #Markets #MadisonSquareMarket #chilijam #Beef #Crafts #BeefBrisket #cheesesauce #FattyCue #Beefsandwich