Pelzer’s Pretzels is a new pretzel company in Brooklyn that makes soft, chewy Philadelphia Style pretzels. I ate a delicious Everything pretzel this weekend at the outstanding Vegan Shop Up in Bushwick at the Pine Box Rock Shop.
Pelzer’s soft pretzels come in a variety of flavors including the Everything pretzel pictured (poppyseeds, sesame seeds, onion and garlic), cran-mary (cranberry, rosemary and lemon), plain, salted, and probably more to come. They also have dips: spicy beer mustard, brown ginger mustard, and vegan spicy chocolate sauce.
I’m looking forward to seeing Pelzer’s Pretzels in more markets. I encourage somebody to partner with Pelzer’s to make sandwiches with them too!
Would you eat a pretzel sandwich?
#KarenSeiger #EverythingPretzel #PoppySeeds #BrownSugarMustard #garlic #PhiladelphiaStylePretzel #PineBoxRockShop #PelzersPretzel #Brooklyn #VeganSpicychocolatesauce #Food #Sandwich #Onion #PineBoxBar #MarketsofNewYorkCity #PhillyStylePretzel #PineBox #SesameSeeds #SpicyBeerMustard #VeganShopUp #Bushwick