Callio Fragrance is a wonderful scent company, hand blending perfumes, room sprays, lotions and soaps in a New York studio. I came across Callio this past weekend at the Prospect Heights Craft Fair, which was a fantastic event once again.
Not only is Callio’s packaging beautiful and fresh, but the sunlight was pouring into the window into the schools gymnasium during the craft fair, illuminating the perfumes in such a way that I had no choice but to stop and try every product on the table.
Callio’s evocative scents include:
Summer (Freesia, peach, cantaloupe and musk)
Adele (rose, blackberries, vanilla and musk)
Tessa (almond, vanilla, lemon and sandalwood)
Belle (soft powder and peony)
Melee (coconut, lemongrass, tropical flowers, vanilla and sandalwood)
Kiele (gardenia, jasmine and tuberose)
Willow (vanilla orchid, vanilla beans and amber)
Every scent was wonderful to me, including the florals, which I normally shy away from. I’m more of a sandalwood and amber type, and so I really loved the Tessa and the Willow. These hand-crafted products are really an amazing luxury, and yet there they were in a school gymnasium. Another reason I love markets.
Visit the Callio Fragrance website for more information, and hopefully they will be coming soon to a market near you (and me)!
#KarenSeiger #luxury #vanillabeansandamber #peach #SummerFreesia #jasmineandtuberoseWillowvanillaorchid #CallioFragrances #lemonandsandalwoodBellesoftpowderandpeonyMeleecoconut #schoolgymnasium #cantaloupeandmuskAdelerose #Vanilla #ProspectHeightsCraftFair #vanillaandsandalwoodKielegardenia #MarketsofNewYorkCity #vanillaandmuskTessaalmond #lemongrass #Handblendedperfume #blackberries #tropicalflowers #PhotooftheDay