We picked up a loaf of Finnish Ruis Bread from Nordic Breads at the New Amsterdam Market a week ago, and it brought back a flood of memories.
I went to junior high school in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and one of my best friends was a girl from Denmark. We were friends for a long time before I realized she didn’t grow up in the US because she spoke 100% perfect American English. But I digress.
We’d visit her country house on the weekends, and to this day I remember the delicious breakfasts her mother made. Rich, dark coffee with warmed milk and home made strawberry preserves spread with Danish butter on heavy, dark Ruis bread, although the Danes call it Rugbrød. The fine taste of the sweet strawberries with the salty butter blended beautifully with the heavy taste and texture of this traditional Scandinavian rye bread.
So when we got our Ruis loaf home, we slathered thin slices with butter and some of my favorite Cherry Blackberry Sage Clove Spreadable Fruit from SchoolHouse Kitchen along with a pot of Earl Grey Tea from Bellocq (both from the New Amsterdam Market as well). Before we knew it, the entire loaf was gone, and it was time for a nap.
Try the delicious and very healthy traditional breads from Nordic Breads Sundays at the New Amsterdam Market and Thursdays at the Rockefeller Center Greenmarket, as well as Whole Foods stores in Union Square, Bowery, Columbus Circle and Tribeca!
#KarenSeiger #AmericanEnglish #WholeFoodsTribeca #FinnishRuisBread #CountryHouse #Rugbrod #EarlGreyTea #SchoolHouseKitchen #Denmark #WholeFoodsColumbusCircle #RockefellerCenterGreenmarket #WholeFoodsBowery #NordicBreads #Bellocq #CherryBlackberrySageClove #Brazil #WholeFoodsUnionSquare #Breakfast #MarketsofNewYorkCity #ScandinavianRyeBread #DanishButter #StrawberryPreserves #RiodeJaneiro #WarmedMilk