We’re not talking 80’s Flash Dance leg warmers either. We’re talking 2011 spandex, feathers, fur, ribbons, and sparkles. The unique styles can be worn up to the knee or thigh. You can twist them around the leg so the adornments swirl like a barber shop pole. They also have an opening for the heel of your pump to slip through so the leg warmer can fit snugly around your arch.
It you are in a rock band, or aspire to be one day, you absolutely must stop by and see Sara’s creations. She also has a remarkable, full fashion line of dresses, skirts, pants, vests, and accessories, although these words feel completely inadequate to describe the collection. Sara also creates equally fantastic feather jewelry. You really have to see everything to understand just how chic and wild these designs are.
You can find Sara this weekend only at the Young Designers Market at 328 West 14th Street in the Meatpacking District. She is usually at the Young Designers’ Nolita location at 268 Mulberry Street (Note: that location is closed this weekend). She may be back at Hester Street soon as well.
Check her website to see amazing photography; read her fun, beautiful, and inspirational blog; and make an appointment to meet Sara in person at her studio on the Lower East Side.
Rock on!