On Friday, February 22, I hosted a panel for Social Media Week on the importance of social media to food businesses that launched in the markets of New York City.
The panel featured five talented and inspiring food entrepreneurs who entertained us with their insights, stories and social media successes and failures (mostly successes) in New York’s dynamic artisanal food world:
Fany Gerson, La Newyorkina
Liz Gutman, Liddabit Sweets
Susan Povich, Red Hook Lobster Pound
Allison Robicelli, Robicelli’s
Simon Tung, Macaron Parlour
So what did we learn? I was fully prepared to wow and amaze you with my keen ability to moderate this dynamic crew, take copious notes and deliver a brilliant analysis, all while munching on salt caramels courtesy of Liddabit Sweets. However, an outstanding blogger from Social Media Week beat me to it. Please do yourself a favor and read this wonderful, detailed review of our entire conversation, lessons learned and best practices on the Social Media Week Blog by the fabulous Lisa Hoang.
I also want to thank Jimmy and Sheila from Jimmy’s No. 43 for hosting us and providing a perfect, intimate space for our discussion. The photos herein are courtesy of my good friend and fellow market enthusiast Photographer Ed Lefkowicz.
And a special thanks to all the panelists and attendees, including our special guests all the way from Lake Effect Ice Cream in Buffalo, NY!

Fany Gerson, La Newyorkina
Susan Povich, Red Hook Lobster Pound

Liz Gutman, Liddabit Sweets with Simon Tung, Macaron Parlour
Karen Seiger, Markets of New York City

Giveaways SMW 2013
#KarenSeiger #Buffalo #EdLefkowicz #SMW #MarketsNYC #NYCMarkets #LaNewyorkina #LizGutman #LisaHoang #FoodMarkets #SocialMediaWeek #Robicellis #MacaronParlour #NewYork #FanyGerson #FoodEntrepreneus #NewYorkCity #FoodVendors #AllisonRobicelli #RedHookLobsterPound #SocialMediaWeekPanel #MarketsofNewYorkCity #LiddabitSweets #MarketsofNewYork #SimonTung #SusanPovich #LocaltoGlobal #JimmysNo43 #LakeEffectIceCream #saltcaramels