Win these chocolates!!
We’re poised to launch our newsletter about the markets of New York City: Market Swatch! Fill in the form to your right, and you will be entered to win a box of six hand-made rose chocolates from Roni-Sue’s Chocolates at the Essex Street Market. (Don’t fret if you have already subscribed to the newsletter! You are automatically entered into the random drawing.)
Market Swatch will include in-depth information about New York’s markets and the people and products that make them so wonderful. It will let you know about market specials, featured market businesses and products, holiday ideas, special offers, and much more!
And now, back to the chocolates! To kick off Valentine’s Week, I wanted to let you know about the wonderful rose bon-bons from Roni-Sue Chocolates at the Essex Street Market. The winner of this drawing will receive a box of six of “Roni’s Roses” in two different flavors:
– Red Rose: Callebaut dark chocolate ganache topped with an edible fresh-dried rose petal
– White Rose: Molded dark chocolate rose bon-bon with a white chocolate ganache filling.
But there’s a lot more to these chocolates. From Roni-Sue: “Before I opened my shop I worked for many years for the Coalition Against Domestic Violence. In honor of V-Day [and the national campaign of the same name to bring awareness of D/V, spear-headed by Eve Ensler] I donate a portion of the sale of my dozen box of “Roni’s Roses” to the agency where I used to work to help them provide phone cards so victims can safely make phone calls to access essential services from the hot-line, etc.”
The random drawing will take place on Wednesday, February 10th at 3:00 PM, and the winner will be notified via email. This is a quick one, so subscribe to Market Swatch today!! (This offer is for US and Canada only, but I’ll make it up to you somehow in Brazil and France!)
For many more delectable and beautiful handmade confections, including her bacon candy line, visit Roni-Sue’s Chocolates at the Essex Street Market, 120 Essex Street (at Delancey Street) in the Lower East Side.