Hanging out with Joan from CityBitz at Union Square
The grand holiday markets are opening all over the city, and there are wonderful markets open every weekend from now until Christmas! t’s all very exciting!
I, however, cannot believe Thanksgiving is next week. It’s my favorite holiday, but it sure feels early, doesn’t it?
It’s always fun to watch everyone’s market booths coming together with paint, installations, lighting, and finally displays . Each booth is an individual gem filled with of amazing gifts, mostly handmade by local artisans. So make sure you shop locally from handmade artisans and food purveyors because they make the best gifts of all!
Weekend Holiday Markets
November 16 – 18. Owlfactory Flea Market Holidaze Bazaar, Love Alot II, 21 Clinton Ave, Brooklyn
November 16 – 19. Norwegian Seamen’s Church Christmas Fair, 317 East 52nd Street between 1st & 2nd Avenues, Manhattan
November 17 – 19. Church of Sweden Christmas Bazaar, 5 East 48th Street, Manhattan
November 17 – 19. Solstreet Holiday Market, Berg’n, 899 Bergen St, Brooklyn
November 18. Danish Julemarket Christmas Fair, Danish Seamen’s Church, 102 Willow Street; Brooklyn
November 18. Young & Able 4th Annual Holiday Pop Up, Arlo Soho, 231 Hudson Street, Manhattan
November 18 – 19. American Fine Craft Show at Brooklyn Museum, 200 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn
November 18 – 19. Renegade New York Holiday Craft Fair, Metropolitan Pavilion, 125 West 8th Street, Manhattan
November 19. Queens Craft Brigade, 31-35 41st Street, Astoria, Queens
Weekend and Seasonal Markets
November 15 – December 24. Turnstyle Underground Holiday Market, Columbus Circle – Subway Passage 57-59 Streets, Manhattan
Grand Holiday Markets
Bryant Park Winter Village, Open daily through January 2, 2018
Grand Central Holiday Fair, Open daily November 13 – December 24
Union Square Holiday Market, Open daily November 16 – December 24
Click here to see the full 2017 NYC Holiday Markets Guide!
~Karen Seiger, Markets of New York City
#KarenSeiger #OwlfactorFleaMarket #DanishJulemarket #QueensCraftBrigade #YoungandAble4thAnnualHolidayPopUp #SolstreetHolidayMarket #AmericanFineCraftShowatBrooklynMuseum #ChurchofSwedenChreistmasFair #Citybitz #holidaymarkets #MarketsofNewYorkCity #Joan #RenegadeNewYorkHOlidayCraftFair #ChirstmasFair #NorwegianSeamensChurchChristmasFair