9th Avenue International Food Festival: I love that they feature local shops and merchants in this street fair, and proceeds go to support neighborhood programs.
West 25th Street Flea: I owe this market some love. I’ll stop by the Antiques Garage also to say hello.
This is also the final weekend of Crafts on Columbus. I went last weekend, and the selection is beautiful and super high quality. And if you are there on Sunday, definitely also cross the street and visit the Greenflea, which is hosting the 79th Street Greenmarket while Crafts on Columbus is running. It’s asparagus season!
I am taking Sunday off to get caught up on all the wonderful market things I want to write about, and to make the Plum Crumb Cake from Beth’s Farm Kitchen’s new cookbook, Cooking with Jams and Chutneys. Book review and photos coming next week! I also need to rest up for the following weekend, which is LOADED with fantastic market events!! I’ll give you lots of advance notice so that you can map out your market excursions.
Note: Beloved Gus’s Pickles is making their triumphant return to the Lower East Side this Saturday at the Hester Street Fair. It’s kind of a big deal. 🙂
And thank you to the Meeker Avenue Flea for being open for us 7 days a week! My friend needed a kitchen table urgently, and she found the perfect one here!
Happy Marketing!
#KarenSeiger #CraftsonColumbus #May1415 #79thStreetGreenmarket #MarketPicks #West25thStreetFlea #GrowNYC #KitchenTable #AntiquesGarage #9thAvenueInternationalFoodFestival #BethsFarmKitchen #7daysaweek #MeekerAvenueFlea #GusPickles #MarketsofNewYorkCity #HesterStreetFair #Cookbook #Greenflea #CookingwithJamsandChutneys