Welcome to UrbanSpace Vanderbilt, Manhattan’s Newest Food Hall

The many options at UrbanSpace Vanderbilt
New Yorkers love to eat, and we love to hang out together (but only when it’s a choice and not a necessity, like the subway at rush hour). The UrbanSpace Vanderbilt food hall which opened in mid-September, is the perfect venue to meet up with your favorite people and find your new favorite things to eat.
This bustling food hall is set in the New York Central Building at the corner of Vanderbilt Avenue and 45th Street, just north of Grand Central Terminal. You can see the rail structures inside the grand space, which allude beautifully to New York’s railway history. This venue is the latest addition to almost a dozen food halls in Manhattan, several of which also opened within the last year, including Le District, City Kitchen, and Gansevoort Market.
I went to UrbanSpace Vanderbilt on the first evening it was open and again a week later at lunchtime. Both times it was filled with people tasting a bit of everything or committing to one big serving of something delicious. UrbanSpace Vanderbilt features 20 food vendors serving a wonderful variety of tasty things. There are plenty of craft beers to drink at the long tables and benches.
Of course I loved the pretzels from Sigmund’s Pretzels, and the burgers and fries from Bar Suzette are always superlative. The fried chicken from Delaney Chicken was spicy and crisp on the outside and moist on the inside, even the next day when I finished it for lunch. All of the donuts from Dough are spectacular. I had a pistachio cardamom pound cake from Ovenly that is one of the most memorably scrumptious things I’ve ever eaten. If you’ve tried it too, call me because want to talk about it. Look for the A. B. Biagi Gelato cart with a yellow umbrella and order a cup of their smooth, locally made gelato.
Open for breakfast, lunch and dinner, UrbanSpace Vanderbilt is already a destination for people who work nearby or pass through Grand Central during the day. You may recognize some of your favorite food vendors from Urban Space NYC’s pop-up food markets, including Mad. Sq. Eats, Broadway Bites and the holiday markets at Union Square and Columbus Circle. Now you can find your favorite edibles any time you have a craving!
Visit UrbanSpace Vanderbilt Monday – Friday from 6:30AM – 9PM, or Saturday and Sunday from 9AM – 5PM.
~Karen Seiger, Markets of New York City

Busy for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner

The best new place in town for breakfast, lunch, dinner and evenings out with friends

Having a Crab Feast at UrbanSpace Vanderbilt

Troi Lughod serving up crepes and burgers at Bar Suzette

Fresh sample donuts from Dough

Sigmund’s glorious Pretzels taste best with a beer

Delaney Fried Chicken and Cole Slaw at UrbanSpance Vanderbilt

Delaney Fried Chicken Owner and Chef

Red Hook Lobster Pound’s Famous Lobster Roll

Bangkok Bar Serves Thai Street Food

Dreamy Sweet & Salty Granola Bars from Ovenly

UrbanSpace Vanderbilt – New York’s Newest Food Hall
#Doughdonuts #KarenSeiger #SigmundsPretzels #BarSuzette #BangkokBar #Ovenly #UrbanSpaceNYC #DalaneyChicken #ABBiagiGelatoStand #LeDistrict #GansevoortMarket #burgerandfries #RedHookLobsterPound #MarketsofNewYorkCity #TroiLughod #UrbanspaceVanderbilt #Beer #cardamompistachiobread #CityKitchen #GrandCentralTerminal