It’s definitely starting to feel a bit more like spring, isn’t it? On Friday I went out without my coat for the first time in 2015. The markets are certainly starting to pick up too! Several markets are celebrating their seasonal outdoor openings. A new market in Bushwick is having its debut, and two pop up markets are launching this weekend too.
Weekend Market Picks
Saturday, April 4, 2015
Brooklyn Flea: Opening Day for the Saturday Flea! This weekend is the start of the Brooklyn Flea’s outdoor season! For the first time, the Flea and Smorgasburg will be open in the same locations as the previous year. The Saturday flea will now be open as of this weekend. The Sunday Flea in Williamsburg will open in early May. Shop from hundreds of artisan and flea vendors, and a selection of fabulous food purveyors. 10AM – 5PM, 176 Lafayette Avenue between Clermont and Vanderbilt Avenues (Brooklyn)
Food 52 Pop Up Market: Opening Weekend! The lovely Haven’s Kitchen cafe is host to Food 52’s pop up that runs now through Mother’s Day. Stop in for a cup of coffee and a snack, and pick up some lovely kitchen and cooking products, handpicked by Food 52, the vibrant online food community. 8am – 7pm Monday to Friday, 9am – 7pm , Saturdays, closed Sundays, Haven’s Kitchen, 109 West 17th Street (near 6th Avenue), Manhattan
Fort Greene Greenmarket: I have to feature this market alongside the Saturday Brooklyn Flea because they are so close together. The Fort Greene market is part flagship and part community center. As I’ve said before, I adore the mix of farmers, bakers, fishmongers, cheesemongers, dairy farmers and many more. 8AM – 4PM, Southeast corner of Fort Greene Park, Washington Park between DeKalb & Willoughby Streets, Brooklyn
Saturday & Sunday, April 4 & 5, 2015
Bushwick Flea: New & Opening Weekend! Not to be confused with SHWICK, this new flea market opens at the corner of Wyckoff and Willoughby this weekend. It looks like they’ll be having 50+ vendors of vintage goods in this outdoor space. New markets need lots of support, so go check it out this weekend! 10AM – 6PM, 52 Wyckoff Avenue, Brooklyn
City Kitchen: New! This brand new food hall opened up recently in Time Square, making it easier than ever for tourists to sample New York’s fine, artisanal foods. I’ll be stopping by this weekend to check it out. If you go too, let me know what you think! Open 7 Days, 700 8th Avenue at 4th Street, Manhattan
Park Slope Flea: Opening Weekend! I’m excited for the return of this classic flea market in the heart of Park Slope. Over 20 artisan and flea vendors set up in the schoolyard in front of PS 321, along with a small selection of the Brooklyn Flea’s local food vendors. This market attracts neighbors and tourists alike. 10AM – 5PM, at PS 321, 180 Seventh Avenue between 1st and 2nd Streets, Brooklyn
Smorgasburg: Opening Weekend! Back from its winter hiaitus, this sumptuous food market is opening for the season – Saturdays in Williamsburg and Sundays in Brooklyn Bridge Park. If you love food, you need to come to this market. There is something mouthwatering for adventurous eaters and for people with more traditional palates alike. It’s all good – literally. 11AM – 6PM, Saturdays at 90 Kent Avenue at N. 7th Street, Sundays in Brooklyn Bridge State Park, Pier 5, Brooklyn
SHWICK: This cool artisan, flea and food market in Bushwick tirelessly put on some really great events. This weekend, it’s live music, art, and a block party, in addition to their great collection of local vendors. They’ll be serving up matzah brei for Passover and special Easter treats too. 11AM – 7PM, 6 Charles Place, Brooklyn
I wish you a happy Passover and a happy Easter if you celebrate them. Happy Spring either way! Keep your eye out for crocuses and robins.
CORRECTION: ID Pop Shop: Opening Weekend! Lucky us! This spring designer pop is open for two full weeks this month. Shop here from New York’s outstanding independent designers of fashion, accessories and decor. The mix of designers changes during the second week, so definitely visit more than once. 10:30AM – 7:30PM, in Chelsea Market, 75 9th Avenue, Manhattan
~Karen Seiger, Markets of New York City
#KarenSeiger #fishmongers #ParkSlopeFlea #Smorgasburg #FortGreeneGreenmraket #IDPopShop #cheesemongers #SHWICK #Food52PopUpMarket #GrandOpening #bakers #matzahbrei #Foodcommunity #farmers #BushwickFlea #MarketsofNewYorkCity #NewMarket #WeekendMarketPicksApril4and52015 #happyPassover #CityKitchen #HappyEaster #BrooklynFlea #dairyfarmers