Late Summer Market Bounty
If ever there was a time to shop as much as you can in your local farmers market, it is right now. James and I walked through the Union Square Greenmarket yesterday on the way back from lunch, and we ended up with an abundance of my very favorite fruits and vegetables, all in peak season.
Our Market Haul:
Luscious Seedless Watermelon from Michisk’s Farm
Ripe, Red Tomatoes, Sweet Corn and a Mild Banana Pepper from Sycamore Farms (watch the Corn Star video here)
Portly Blueberries and Juicy Peaches from Samascott Orchards
Honestly, I dream about this time of year during all the rest of the year because of peaches, tomatoes and corn. Also, it’s usually too hot to cook, and you can eat everything straight out of your tote bag (after a good rinse in the sink, mind you).
Please excuse the peach juice running down my chin. It’s summertime!
Weekend Market Picks
Saturday, August 16, 2014
Morningside Farmers Market: Located just northwest of the top end of Central Park, this Down to Earth farmers market is a one-stop shop for everything you need for the week ahead. Produce, dairy, baked goods, olive oil, dairy, meats, specialty foods and even alpaca yarn! 9AM – 5PM, corner of 110th Street & Manhattan Avenue, Manhattan
Saturday & Sunday, August 16 & 17, 2014
Artists & Fleas: I love this market for the great mix of flea, vintage and handmade vendors there. The Williamsburg venue is a great place to lose yourself for a good long time. Make sure you explore every corner. 10AM – 7PM, 70 N. 7th Street, Brooklyn
Brooklyn Flea: Really, what’s better than finding treasures at a big ol’ flea market, especially when there’s so much to eat there too? Check out the flea on this fine, mid-summer weekend – there’s something there for everyone. Saturday 10 AM – 5PM, 176 Lafayette Avenue; Sunday 10AM – 5PM, 50 Kent Avenue, Brooklyn
Essex Street Market: This food emporium is one of those anchors of New York City’s history. It has been around since the 1940’s, serving the local community even as it has changed over time. Today, you will find a wonderful mix of old timey vendors and modern food innovators. It’s really an amazing place to visit – and eat! 8AM – 7PM Saturday, 10AM – 6PM Sunday, 120 Essex Street at Delancey, Manhattan
Hell’s Kitchen Flea Market: This classic flea on the Far West Side of Manhattan is home to 100+ of the regions best flea and vintage vendors. They’ve done all the hunting for us, and they bring their finest finds for us to rummage through at our leisure. Now that the Antiques Garage is no longer, many of the vendors from that venue are now gracing this open air market. 9AM – 5PM, West 39th Street between 9th and 10th Avenues, Manhattan
Bleecker Street Flea and Artisan Market: Walk across Greenwich Village’s venerable Bleecker Street, and you will come across a sweet sidewalk market. Make sure you stop and have a chat with the people behind the tables because everything has a story. 11AM – 6PM, on Bleecker Street between Carmine & Leroy Streets alongside Our Lady of Pompeii Church, Manhattan
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Jackson Heights Greenmarket: Farmers know their customers, and that is especially evident here in Jackson Heights. You’ll find an impressive array of hot peppers and fresh herbs here, along with the splendors of mid-summer produce. It’s a great place for people watching too. 8AM – 3PM, 34th Avenue at 78th Street, Queens
Have a wonderful weekend, and I’ll see you in the markets!
~Karen Seiger, Markets of New York City
#KarenSeiger #SycamoreFarms #OurLadyofPompeiiChurch #WeekendMarketPicksAugust16amp172014 #cornstarvideo #BleeckerStreetMarket #FoodMarkets #SamascottOrchards #JacksonHeightsGreenmarket #Peoplewatchinginthemarket #FarmersMarket #juicypeaches #NewYorkCityHistory #QueensMarkets #SweetCorn #Tomatoes #BleeckerStreetFleaandArtisanMarket #MarketsofNewYorkCity #ArtistsandFleas #EssexStreetMarket #Williamsburg #MorningsideFarmersMarket #ArtisanMarket #DowntoEarthMarkets #UnionSquareGreenmarket #BrooklynMarkets #FleaMarket #MichisksFarm #ManhattanMarkets #portlyblueberries #HellsKitchenFlea #Foodemporium