Tiny Coyote Tomatoes Pack a Wallop of Flavor
Pale yellow coyote tomatoes are not much bigger than a large blueberry, but they are little flavor bombs! Pop a single, tiny tomato in your mouth, and KAPOW! You’ll see what I mean. You can put them in salads or just pop them into your mouth. These ones are from Eckerton Hill Farm at the Union Square Greenmarket. Just keep your eye out for them in markets throughout the city and the week. One small container packs a lot of flavor!
Saturday, August 22, 2015
East 67th Street Flea: Located on the Upper East Side, this classic flea market is particularly enticing during the warmer months, like now, when both the outdoor and indoor spaces are filled with antiques vendors, not to mention farm fresh produce and food to eat while you shop. 9AM – 5PM, 419 E 66th Street between 1st and York Avenues, Manhattan
Saturday and Sunday, August 22 & 23, 2015
Artists & Fleas: If you want original and funky, go to this indoor market in Williamsburg. It is filled with outstanding handmade products, as well as carefully selected vintage wares. Keeping New York stylish since 2003! 10AM – 7PM, 70 North 7th Street, Brooklyn
Grand Central Market: There’s nothing like a picnic in Central Park, and you can grab everything you need at this luxurious market: cheese, fresh bread, fruits and veggies, and lots of prepared foods and dessert options. (Ask for directions to the market when you get to Grand Central.) Open 7 days a week (see website for hours), 89 E. 42nd Street at Park Avenue, Manhattan
ID Pop Shop: This is the last weekend for ID Pop Shop in August! Don’t miss out on this wonderful gathering of fine independent designers: fashion, jewelry, accessories, sunglasses, art and decor. 10:30AM – 7:30PM, inside Chelsea Market, 75 9th Avenue, Manhattan
Le District: This magnificent food hall opened earlier this year, featuring all French foods, plus some from the French Diaspora. It is organized like a French Village, so you will find a baker, a butcher, a cheesemonger, a spice shop, pastries, flowers and much more. Eat in or take home your favorite ingredients. And go ride the new Seaglass Carousel in nearby Battery Park! Open 7 days a week (see website for hours), Brookfield Place (aka World Financial Center), 225 Liberty Street, Manhattan.
LIC Flea: Such a great market: amazing food purveyors, wide ranging flea and vintage vendors, and a lovely collection of handmade designers. This weekend is the Annual Sweets Festival! Plus a huge outdoor beer garden with beer from local Queens breweries! 10AM – 6PM, 5-25 46th Avenue, Long Island City, Queens
Nolita Market: Strolling through Soho? Stop and pay close attention to the lovely handmade jewelry, accessories, and more at this picturesque market. Some of the most talented local designers sell their products right there on the sidewalk. 10AM – 6PM, Prince Street between Mott and Mulberry Streets, Manhattan
Penn Plates: Urban Space is running one of its tasty, pretty food markets throughout the summer. There is so much to choose from: burgers, tacos, Turkish fare, vegetarian, gelato, and much more. There are places to sit and eat with your friends too – it’s a great place to meet friends in the evening. 11AM – 9PM, on the pedestrian plaza between 7th and 8th Avenues, with entrances on 33rd and 34th Streets, Manhattan
Smorgasburg: Yeah, Smorgasburg is an amazing market for people who love delicious, unique food. There’s a reason that it’s an international destination, and that’s the quality and variety of things to eat. There are several locations you can visit: Saturdays in Williamsburg; Sunday in Brooklyn Bridge State Park (this weekend only, and then it moves to Prospect Park); Sundays in Queens; and 7 days a week in Coney Island and the Seaport. See website for locations and times.
Sunday, August 23, 2015
Carroll Gardens Greenmarket: Carrol Gardens is a sweet, old Brooklyn neighborhood. There’s nothing like shopping with the neighbors at this wonderful farmers market. Pick up fresh, local produce, baked goods, dairy and proteins, and definitely strike up conversations with fellow shoppers. 8AM – 3PM, Carroll Street between Smith and Court Streets, Brooklyn
Vendy Plaza: I really love this prepared food market because it is an incubator for some amazing emerging food purveyors. You can taste food from the Caribbean and Latin America, and succulent BBQ, as well as sweet desserts and even a cold beer. Bring your friends and make sure they’re hungry when you get there! 12PM – 6PM, outside La Marqueta, 1590 Park Avenue, Manhattan
~Karen Seiger, Markets of New York City
#KarenSeiger #FoodMarket #GrandCentralMarket #ProspectPark #ChelseaMarket #foodhall #BrooklynBridgeStatepark #IDPopShop #NolitaMarket #LeDistrict #Brooklyn #CoyoteTomatoes #East67thStreetFleaMarket #VendyPlaza #SeaglassCarousel #Smorgasuburg #LICFleaAnnualSweetsFestival #VintageMarket #PicnicinCentralPark #NewYorkMarket #WeekendMarketPicksAugust22and232015 #MarketsofNewYorkCity #ArtistsandFleas #Williamsburg #ArtisanMarket #FleaMarket #SmorgasburgConey #Seaport #DesignerMarket #CarrollGardensGreenmarket