Brooklyn Night Bazaar: Food, Artisans, Music, Air Hockey and a Beer Hall!
It’s late summer, and we all really need to focus on squeezing all the fun we possibly can before fall comes with its busy schedules and expectations for the rest of the year. So grab your friends and go enjoy the relaxed vibes, great food, and incredible innovation in the Markets of New York City!
Saturday, August 23, 2014
Arthur Avenue Retail Market: If you are looking for the true essence of New York’s Little Italy, you won’t find it in Lower Manhattan anymore. Today, it is all happening up in the Bronx. The Arthur Avenue Market features fantastic Italian foods, as well as produce, baked goods, and a wonderful butcher shop. Arthur Avenue itself has some lovely Italian food shops too, so make a day of it! 8AM – 5PM, 2344 Arthur Avenue, The Bronx
Brooklyn Night Bazaar: The BK Bazaar is a market and then some! What it is is the perfect place to hang out with your friends on Fridays and Saturdays. Art, food, music, shopping, skeeball, pingpong, air hockey. Seriously, what else could you possibly need?! Fridays and Saturdays, 7PM – 1AM, 165 Banker Street, Brooklyn
East Village Community Flea Market: The East Village feels like the perfect part of town for a community flea market. This market is becoming part of the neighborhood, so stop by, and you may just find a treasure or two, or at least something cool for your apartment. 10AM – 7PM, 2nd Avenue between East 10th & 11th Streets, Manhattan
Fort Greene Greenmarket: I rarely pick favorites, but I will admit that I love this farmers market. It’s the beautiful setting right next to the park and the robust array of produce, dairy, baked goods, juices and more. But mostly it’s the magic there between the farmers and the neighbors. Plus, it’s not too far from the Brooklyn Flea on Saturdays! 8AM – 4PM, Washington Park between DeKalb & Willoughby, Brooklyn
Saturday & Sunday, August 23 & 24, 2014
Aquaduck Flea Market: Aquaduck is not an easy to get to on public transportation, but if you’re up for a flea market adventure, visit Aquaduck! When the old market at the Aqueduct Racetrack closed several years ago, the event was transformed into the huge Aquaduck Flea. And by “huge,” I mean 5 acres! So you’ll find tube socks, antique furniture, and everything in between. 8AM – 6PM, 700 Fountain Avenue, Brooklyn
Better Than Jam Summer Pop Up on Governors Island: This pop up is more like a dreamy, beautiful boutique for local crafts, and the artisans themselves take turns managing the shop. Plan your day trip to Governor’s Island: free ferry, bike rental, picnic and shopping for clever, whimsical, top quality handmade crafts! Saturdays and Sundays 10AM-6PM, Fridays and Mondays 11AM – 5PM, Get to Governors Island and follow the signs to the shop!
Real NYC Designer Market: I love the concept behind this market, which is to provide a venue for independent New York designers to sell their fashion and accessories directly to you and me. Make your style about quality, not quantity. You will probably be shopping directly from the designer too! Saturday 11AM – 9PM, Sunday 11AM – 8PM, 109 Mulberry Street, Manhattan
Wellness Market & Brooklyn Pop Up: These two brand new markets are teaming up together this weekend to bring us a market featuring organic and sustainable products and foods. Their aim is to contribute to a healthy community. It’s an exciting combination, and these two markets are leading the way in a new trend towards health and wellness in the markets of New York City! 11AM – 6PM, 43 Waverly Avenue, Brooklyn
Sunday, August 24, 2014
The Awaken Fair: As I mentioned above, there is a new trend of health and wellness markets growing in the city. The Awaken Fair features “a day of holistic healing and wellness events.” Learn, heal, explore and connect. (Shop and eat too!) 10AM – 6PM, 90 Havemeyer Street, Brooklyn
Columbia Sunday Greenmarket: If you’re looking for a great farmers market on Sunday, this is the one. Up near Columbia University, this market features 17 farmers, cheesemongers, dairies, bakeries and more! They also have textile and compost recycling. The market is open Thursdays as well. 8AM – 5PM, Broadway between 114th & 116th Streets, Manhattan
~Karen Seiger, Markets of New York City
#KarenSeiger #WeekendMarketPicksAugust23amp242014 #LittleItaly #AurthurAvenue #TheAwakenFair #BetterthanJamSummerPopUp #HealthandWellnessMarket #GrowNYC #ColumbiaSundayGreenmarket #AquaduckFleaMarket #NewYorkMarkets #FreeFerry #FountainAvenue #ArthurAvenueRetailMarket #HavemeyerStreet #GovernorsIsland #WellnessMarket #BronxMarkets #MarketsofNewYorkCity #RealNYCDesignerMarket #Healthandwellnessmarkets #theBronx #BrooklynMarkets #BrooklynPopUpMarket #FortGreeneGreenmarket #ManhattanMarkets #BrooklynNightBazaar