I am thrilled to feature an amazing jewelry designer, Melissa Draugsvold this weekend. I first heard the buzz about her designs at SUPER!market in January. You know you’re onto something when the other designers are wearing her jewelry themselves!
Melissa’s one-of-a-kind designs are intriguing statement pieces made from romantic, evocative, and nostalgic pieces of vintage jewelry. You might recognize an element in one of her necklaces as something your favorite fabulous auntie wore. Or maybe you saw something like it in a glamorous Old Hollywood movie. She has a spectacular necklace made from vintage crystal brooches from the collection of Rufus Wainwright. Her work has been featured in Vogue, Nylon, Women’s Wear Daily (WWD), Lucky Magazine and more. Beyonce and Kim Kardashian have been seen sporting their own original Draugsvold designs. And you can meet her in person and try on her wonderful designs in person this weekend at SUPER!market!
And now, here are the Market Picks for this coming balmy weekend!
Friday, Saturday & Sunday, February 17 – 19, 2012
Independent Designers Pop Shop at Chelsea Market, open every day through February 29th
The Market NYC on 14th Street between 8th & 9th in the Meatpacking District
Saturday Only, February 18, 2012
Inwood Flea Market at 108 Cooper Street, CUNY in the Heights Building, Manhattan *NEW!*
SUPER!market at 268 Mulberry Street in Nolita, Manhattan
Saturday and Sunday, February 18 -19, 2012
Brooklyn Flea + Smorgasbrewery (Sunday only), One Hanson Place, Brooklyn
Hell’s Kitchen Flea, West 39th St. between 9th & 10th Avenues, Manhattan
Sunday Only, February 19, 2012
Jackson Heights Greenmarket, 34th Avenue @ 77th Street, Queens (Composting and textile recycling every Sunday!)
It’s going to be a beautiful weekend, so get out there and enjoy it! And bring a totebag for all your new treasures!
#KarenSeiger #Beyonce #JewelryDesign #IndependentDesignersPopShop #OldHollywood #textilerecycling #ChelseaMarket #MarketPicks #WomensWearDailyWWD #MelissaDraugsvold #IDPopShop #JacksonHeightsGreenmarket #LuckyMagazine #Queens #Brooklyn #RufusWainwright #InwoodFleaMarket #TheMarketNYC #Composting #Vogue #MeatpackingDistrict #MarketsofNewYorkCity #Nylon #SmorgasBrewery #CrystalBrooch #Manhattan #Nolita #HellsKitchenFlea #KimKardashian #BrooklynFlea #SuperMarket