Spring Bowties from Kingston Twenty One at the Brooklyn Flea
If you want to take your mind off of the frigid temps outside, my latest story about Kingston Twenty One men’s vintage clothing and upcoming spring designs will help you remember that they day will soon come when your face won’t freeze off the moment you step outside your door.
In the meantime, if you layer up, you can still venture out and find some wonderful distractions in the markets this weekend:
Weekend Market Picks:
Saturday, February 21, 2015
Fort Greene Greenmarket: A beloved neighborhood market, Fort Greene is filled with local farmers, bakers, jam makers and many others – over 20 vendors – even in deep winter. Bundle up and enjoy this beautiful parkside farmers market. 8AM – 4PM, Washington Park btwn DeKalb & Willoughby, along the southeast corner of Fort Greene Park, Brooklyn
Saturday & Sunday, February 21 & 22, 2015
Artists & Fleas: Check out their markets this weekend in Brooklyn, Manhattan and Los Angeles! Outstanding handmade and vintage designs! See website for locations and times
Brooklyn Flea Indoor Winter Market: The indoor space is warm and cozy. Go find your favorite vintage and food vendors this weekend, and meet your friends at Berg’n! 10AM – 6PM, 1000 Dean Street, Brooklyn
Chelsea Flea Market: The flea market is open, rain, shine, snow or heat! So let’s show our appreciation by stopping by to pick up something beautiful and vintage – like a dozen sweaters! 9AM – 6PM, Uptown Side of West 25th Street between Broadway and Sixth Avenue, Manhattan
ID Pop Shop: This fine design market featuring top local designers of fashion, accessories and home decor, pops up through this weekend. Check out one of their regular designers, Lucky Selectism, which is having their own pop-up market this month, also in Chelsea Market! 10:30AM – 7:30PM, Chelsea Market, 75 9th Avenue, Manhattan
The Market NYC: Also located in cozy indoor spaces in Manhattan and Brooklyn, the Market NYC is home to a wide range of wonderfully talented local makers, designers and artists. Manhattan: Wednesdays – Sundays, 159 Bleecker Street, Brooklyn: Wednesdays – Sundays, 218 Bedford Avenue (Check website for times)
Sunday, February 22, 2015
Brooklyn Pop Up Market: This market has a really great balance of artisan and food vendors, and it’s a short walk from the L train! So it’s a great candidate for a weekend outing, especially because they’re hosting a National Margarita Day Celebration , plus a sewing workshop – two great things that go great together! 12PM – 6PM, 49 Wyckoff Avenue, Brooklyn
Carroll Gardens Greenmarket: Open year-round, this neighborhood market features over a dozen vendors, with an especially nice variety of proteins (fish, turkey, duck, chicken, grassfed beef and pork). 8AM – 3PM, Carroll St and Smith St, Brooklyn
GrowNYC Shop N Swap: I went to my first shop n swap, clutching an item I wasn’t sure I wanted to part with. But the communal swapping was so much fun that I got right into the spirit. I even met the lady who ended up with my item, and someone else pointed me towards some fabulous Buffalo China plates – all free! So bring something or just go shopping – it’s a crapshoot, and it’s a blast. 12PM-3PM, Bay Ridge Jewish Center, 405 81st Street (enter on the corner of 4th Ave), Brooklyn
“No winter lasts forever; no spring skips its turn.” Hal Borland, Author and Journalist
~Karen Seiger, Markets of New York City
#KarenSeiger #ArtistsampFleas #VintageMarkets #BrooklynFleaIndoorWinterMarket #ChelseaFleaMarket #GrowNYCShopNSwap #IDPopShop #NewYorkMarkets #LuckySelectism #TheMarketNYC #BrooklynPopUpm #FortGreenePark #FleaMarkets #MarketsofNewYorkCity #BrooklynMarkets #FarmersMarkets #FortGreeneGreenmarket #ManhattanMarkets #KingstonTwentyOne #CarrollGardensGreenmarket