This weekend boasts several brilliant annual markets, including Funday in Carroll Gardens, the Makers Market in the Socrates Sculpture Garden, and the new Independent Designers Pop Up! Check out all these unique events this weekend:
Saturday & Sunday
Independent Designers Pop Shop at Chelsea Market: I just posted about this fabulous collection of clothing and accessories designers, as well as our fine friends from Australian Scent with their highly effective and wonderful smelling beauty products. The event runs through Monday evening.
Makers Market at Socrates Sculpture Park: This is the third year for this outstanding collection of over 30 makers from across the country. “Experience the convergence of design and contemporary craft in an open-air marketplace.” The Market runs Friday – Sunday.
Grand Army Plaza Greenmarket: According to GrowNYC, strawberry season is “almost over.” Wha?!! Where have I been? The good news is that you can get your fill of strawberries at the Grand Army Plaza Greenmarket’s Strawberry Shortcake Eating Contest! It starts at 11AM, and anyone can participate if you mosey on over to the Market Information Tent a few minutes before 11. The fastest, messiest, and cleanest eaters get an award!
Hester Street Fair: Hester Street has a KILLER lineup of sellers this week – looks like 75 top notch artisan, food, and flea vendors. I love their picnic tables at the back of the market, and also the grassy space beyond the fence where you can snack on your pickles, lobsters, meatballs, macarons, pies, and so much more!
Shout out to Jersey: Not Yo Mama’s Craft Fair: Jersey City is hosting almost 100 local artisans at this third annual event! I know they put on a great show, so head over to The Morgan Lot at 107 Morgan Street on Saturday, 11am – 7pm!
Carroll Gardens Greenmarket: The Carroll Gardens Greenmarket is a big part of the Sunday mornings in the neighborhood. Once time I visited this market on a day they were holding a grape stomping demo. You could pop off your shoes, jump inside half a barrel of grapes, and stomp away. Then you could rinse your feet off in a bucket of water. It reminded me of this. This weekend’s market doesn’t have grape stomping, but it will have 19 farm stands, so you can pick up everything you need for your table this week.
Smith Street Funday: It’s “Brooklyn’s most exotically perfect bazaar,” according to Carroll Gardens Blog Pardon Me for Asking. Local artisans, independent designers, food purveyors and more make up the eight blocks of this event. There will also be music and entertainment at 4 different venues. Stinky Bklyn sponsors the Fourth Annual Stinkfest and Cheese Eating Contest, which starts at 2:30 PM,! Who’s in?!
Have a great weekend at the markets! Let me know what treasures you find!
#KarenSeiger #IndependentDesignersPopShop #GrandArmyPlazaGreenmarket #Grapestomping #SmithStreetFunday #ChelseaMarket #Strawberryseason #MarketPicks #NotYoMamasCraftFair #GrowNYC #cheeseEatingContest #StinkyBklyn #Accessoriesdesigners #indepenentdesigners #localartisans #MakersMarket #ConvergenceofDesignandContemporarycraft #foodpurveyors #CarrolGardensGreenmarket #Stinkfest #CarrollGardens #SocratesSculpturePark #StrawberryShortcakeEatingContest #JerseyCity #MarketInformationTent #FarmersMarketGreenMarket #PardonMeforAsking #MarketsofNewYorkCity #ClothingDesigners #HesterStreetFair #AustralianScent #ArtisanMarket #Macarons #meatballs #FleaMarket #MorganLot #pickles #WeekendMarketPicks #pies #lobsters