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Writer's pictureKaren Seiger

Weekend Market Picks for November 12 & 13 + Gloves by Lamia Akar

I visited the The Market NYC / Young Designers Market in their great new digs at 328 W. 14th Street between 8th and 9th.  Happy to report they are completely settled in, and full up with a wide range of jewelry and fashion designs.

Many things caught my eye, but I was absolutely delighted by these handmade gloves by Lamia Akar.  Lamia makes fingerless leather gloves in bright colors, black, white, and every combination thereof.  The gloves come in a variety of sizes and lengths, all fingerless, some with big snaps that make a satisfying sound when you squeeze them together.  They are all wonderfully designed and made.  She makes tiny mini gloves, the ones in the photo, that are sweet and fun, and quite sexy.  Lamia’s designs offer a tasteful way to a dose of color and whimsy to any outfit!

And now, on to this weekend’s Market Picks to get your holiday shopping started!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

East 67th Street Flea Market: Located in the schoolyard and cafeteria of PS 183 on E. 66th and 67th Street between 1st and York Avenues, this flea market features some amazing vendors.  You may find the cashmere lady, who sells nothing but cashmere sweaters on a schoolyard table.  Several fine vintage jewelers sellers have amazing sparkles in their cases.  The market also has fresh produce and food vendors selling both snacks and provisions for your week.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Community Markets in Park Slope: I love the markets produced by the Community Markets organization because they feature wonderful regional farm produce, and they also have local food businesses selling their products.  I am thrilled to to see that some of my favorite food purveyors will be at this Brooklyn market on Sunday (5th Ave. and 4th Street in front of PS 51), including Raaka Virgin Chocolate and their new flavors, and the famous Mortgage Apple Cake, with their mouthwatering, superlative, and economy-saving cakes.

Saturday and Sunday, November 11 & 12:

Independent Designer Pop Shop: I simply have to keep this month-long market on the list again this week. It is a lovely, boutique-style market featuring New York’s fine emerging designers.  It is located in the space across from Posman Books and next to Chelsea Market Baskets inside Chelsea Market!  And I’ll be doing a book signing there on Saturday from 12 – 3PM!  So come shopping and come get your market guide book signed!  And “like” the market on Facebook to win a $50 gift card on Saturday!

The MarketNYC / Young Designers Market:  As I wrote above, I am happy to see that this market is fully ensconced in its new space near the Meatpacking District.  There are literally dozens of designers in multiple rows throughout the market.  Look for the red tent on 14th Street, and plan on spending some time looking at all the designers’ tables.  Lamia Akar was just inside the eastern exit when I met her last week.

Dekalb Market:  Every time I come here, there are new things to discover – new artisans, new food vendors, and new shipping containers turned into a matrix of treasure-filled boutiques.  There’s local food, handmade artisanal wares, art installations, and music. I have it on good authority that the New Zealand style Dub Pies are ridiculously tasty.  What else do you need?  Oh yeah – and a farm.  I wonder if a pumpkin grows in Brooklyn?

Eat, Shop, Play — in the Markets of new York City!

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