2013 has started off with some excitement! Check your seatback pocket for the article about finding treasures in our flea markets in American Eagle Airline’s Latitudes in-flight magazine!
While many of the markets are on a seasonal hiatus, some great ones are open through the winter: Weekend Market Picks
Saturday, January 5, 2013
East 67th Street Flea Market: A traditional flea, the East 67th Street Market is a wonderful place to search for treasures, from vintage jewelry to cashmere sweaters. You can also get your watches fixed there. 6AM – 5AM, PS 183 on East 66th & East 67th Streets between 1st and York Avenues, Manhattan
Saturday & Sunday, January 5 & 6, 2013
Artists & Fleas at Chelsea Market: This is the last weekend of the Artists & Fleas Pop Up in Chelsea Market! But don’t worry – they are still open every weekend in Williamsburg! 10:30AM – 7PM, 88 10th Avenue, Manhattan
Brooklyn Flea: The Brooklyn Flea is open in its winter home at the Williamsburgh Savings Bank Tower, the tallest building in Brooklyn. You’ll find a lot of great vintage vendors, along with the artisans and food vendors. 10AM – 5PM, One Hanson Place, Brooklyn
The Market NYC : The Market NYC’s Bleecker Street venue is home to many emerging designers of fashion, accessories and decor. They’re open Wednesdays through Sundays. Stop by frequently to see what’s new. Saturday 12PM – 9PM, Sunday 12PM – 8PM, 159 Bleecker Street, Manhattan
Sunday, January 6, 2013
Park Slope Winter Market: Down To Earth Markets, formerly known as Community Markets, runs a lovely neighborhood farmers market with 15 wonderful and diverse vendors. 10AM – 4PM, The Old Stone House, 4th Street at 5th Avenue, Brooklyn
Bundle up and enjoy these winter markets!
#CommunityMarkets #MarketsofNYC #KarenSeiger #wintermarket #ArtistsampFleas #designers #MarketsNYC #NYCMarkets #VintageJewerly #2013 #January5amp6 #ChelseaMarket #cashmeresweaters #Fashion #BrooklynMarket #wintermarkets #BleeckerStreet #emergingdesigners #Decor #Traditionalflea #WilliamsburghBankTower #Brooklyn #FarmersMarket #TheMarketNYC #NewYork #NewYorkCity #LatitudesMagazine #FleaMarkets #TallestBuildinginBrooklyn #MarketsofNewYorkCity #Williamsburg #MarketsofNewYork #TheOldStoneHouse #accessories #ArtisanMarket #ManhattanMarket #PopUp #DownToEarthMarket #Manhattan #ParkSlope #WeekendMarketPicks #ParkSlopeWinterMarket #OneHansonPlace #BrooklynFlea