Excellent Hats and Accessories from Flamekeepers Hat Club in Harlem
I met Marc Williamson of the Flamekeepers Hat Club at the Pop Up Flea earlier this year. Marc was named as one of New York’s most stylish people by Time Out Magazine in 2013, and he shares his aesthetic as the founder of this wonderful hat store in Harlem.

Stylish Marc Williamson, Flamekeepers Hat Club
There are hats for anyone of any age. I loved this beautiful dove grey fedora with the red band. There were also newsie caps and wider brimmed Panama hats, and hats in classic colors as well as bright colors for people who like to express their personal pizazz. Many of the hats are locally made. Marc also brought canvas and leather satchels that had been painted by a local artist, which were practical, beautiful and oh so cool!
Make a point of visiting the Flamekeepers Hat Club in Harlem to find hats for all seasons and styles or just to hang out because it’s a beautiful space. The store is opn 7 days a week at 273 121st Street at the St. Nicholas Avenuw / Frederick Douglass Boulevard crossing.
Weekend Market Picks
Saturday, July 18, 2015
Artisan Market: This intimate market is in its 12th year, bringing a small, lovely community of high-quality local craft artisans. Shopping at the Greenmarket and strolling through this handmade market makes for a beautiful Saturday in Brooklyn. 9AM – 6PM, Fort Greene Park, adjacent to the Greenmarket, Brooklyn
East 67th Street Flea: The Upper East side traditional flea market is open every Saturday with antique and vintage items ranging from jewelry and small treasures to scarves, art, furniture and decorative items. You can also find locally grown farm produce here. 9AM – 5PM, East 67th St. between 1st and York Avenues, Manhattan
Fort Greene Park Greenmarket: I always say that the connection between the local community and the farmers in this market creates a wonderful atmosphere and relaxed energy there. It’s something special and unique to experience. 8AM – 5PM, Washington Park between DeKalb & Willoughby, Brooklyn
Queens International Night Market: Bring your friends and family to this evening event with music, art, handmade crafts and 50 local food vendors! 6PM – 12AM Midnight, New York Hall of Science, Flushing Meadows, Corona Park, Queens
Saturday & Sunday, July 18 & 19, 2015
Brooklyn Flea’s Ice Cream Bonanza: At press time, the Flea was listing 14 local ice cream makers with 50+ flavors to choose! Try them all, and then walk off the calories by shopping vintage and handmade. 10AM – 5PM, Saturday in Fort Greene at 176 Lafayette Avenue, Sunday in Williamsburg at 50 Kent Avenue between 11th and 12th Streets, Brooklyn
The High Line Food and Drink: I have determined that the group of outstanding food purveyors on the High Line constitute a food market, or even a food hall. The High Line is a “slow park,” so it’s the perfect place to stop for a frozen pop or some gelato, or a full meal and then mosey along the railroad tracks. Hours vary by vendor, on the High Line , above 10th Avenue between 15th & 17th Streets, Manhattan
Jersey City Project: EATS: Our neighbors right across the Hudson River are putting on a glorious food festival all weekend. Check out the amazing list of food vendors, food trucks and market vendors. The vendor lineup changes a bit from Saturday to Sunday, so feel free to stop by both days! 11AM – 7PM, 280 Grove Street, City Hall Plaza, Downtown Jersey City, New Jersey
Seaport Smorgasburg: I spent a day in the Seaport last week, and I am happy to report that it’s filled with amazing food from Smorgasburg. Eat and drink al fresco, and enjoy the East River views. Also, do some shopping from the Seaport Local Artists boutique on Front Street and Fulton! 11AM – 8PM, 11 Fulton Street, Manhattan
Sunday, July 19, 2015
Greenflea: Just a short stroll from Central Park and the Natural History Museum, this traditional flea market on the Upper West Side has vendors indoors and out in the schoolyard! 10AM – 5:30PM, 100 West 77th Street, Manhattan
Greenpointers Summer Market: Back with a lineup of almost 40 handmade and food vendors, the Greenpointers market also features their signature fun activities, including henna tattoos and rooftop yoga! 1PM – 7PM, Greenpoint Loft, 67 West Street, 5th Floor (take the elevator up), Brooklyn
Vendy Plaza: Award winning food and a beer garden — in the shade? Yes! Make sure you’re hungry when you had to Harlem for some top notch noshing. Tag your photos with #vendycitizenjudge, and you could be a Vendy Awards Judge! 12PM – 6PM in the La Marqueta Plaza, 1590 Park Avenue, Manhattan
~Karen Seiger, Markets of New York City
#KarenSeiger #FoodMarket #Classichats #FortGreenParkGreenmarket #East67thStreetFlea #QueensInternationalNightMarket #GreenpointersSummerMarket #TheHighLineFoodandDrink #SeaportSmorgasburg #JerseyCityProjectEATS #FlamekeepersHatClubinHarlem #VendyPlaza #FarmersMarket #MarcWilliamson #WeekendMarketPicksJuly18and192015 #Greenmarket #MarketsofNewYorkCity #BrooklynFleasIceCreamBonanza #ArtisanMarket #FleaMarket #Greenflea