The image above is by Naima Rauam, a fine artist known for her images of the old Fulton Fish Market. She keeps this institution alive through her watercolors. You can meet the artist in person every Sunday at the Fulton Stall Market.
Here are this weekend’s Market Picks!
Saturday and Sunday, July 23 and 24
Dekalb Market: This weekend marks the Grand Opening of the new Dekalb Market in Downtown Brooklyn! This market combines artisans, food entrepreneurs, and agriculture, along with music and educational events. It is made from upcycled shipping containers, and I cannot wait to see how it turned out!
Better Than Jam Pop Up on Governor’s Island: Bushwick’s Better Than Jam Coop is running this year’s Etsy artisans coop on Governor’s Island! Take the free ferry to the island, where you’ll find many of the local market artisans’ work in this historical home-turned-handmade-boutique.
Saturday, July 23
Abingdon Square Greenmarket: This farmers market feels neighborly and intimate as it wraps around the lovely park in the West Village. In fact, it actually has 16 farmers and food vendors during the peak season now! Go and enjoy this sweet market for yourself while it’s bursting with the ripest fruits of the season!
Sunday, July 24
Fulton Stall Market: The Fulton Stall Market is just such a great place to hang out in the shade, grab a snack, and have a snack and a chat. The vibe is laid back, and there’s a great variety of things to choose from, including produce, meats, and other staples, as well as frozen pops, coffee, and handmade crafts. They’re right across the street from the New Amsterdam Market, and it’s easy and lovely to stroll through both!
Greenflea: The Greenflea is great on a weekend like this one because there is a lot of shade among the vendor tents, and there are also vendors selling inside the school. So don’t let the heat deter you from visiting one of the best vintage and flea markets in town.
I think we all agree that it’s hot in New York City. So let’s move along and talk about what we’re going to do this weekend, shall we? For starters, we’re putting a bottle of water in the freezer tonight so that it will be frozen for tomorrow. We’ll pull it out in the morning, slather on the sun block, bust out our floppy sun hats, and heading to the markets!
#KarenSeiger #FoodMarket #WestVillage #FoodEntrepreneurs #UpcycledShippingContainers #artisans #MarketsNYC #GrandOpening #SellingFishatFultonMarket #FarmersMarket #FoodPurveyor #Greenmarket #GovernorsIsland #DekalbMarket #MarketsofNewYorkCity #FrozenPops #Fery #FultonStallMarket #BetterThanJamPopUp #ArtisanMarket #NewAmsterdamMarket #FleaMarket #AbingdonSquareGreenmarket #NaimaRauam #RipestFruitsoftheSeason #Greenflea #DowntownBrooklyn