And stop by any Greenmarket to pick up plump, juicy cherries, like the ones in the photo from the Cheerful Cherry Farm!
Saturday & Sunday
Brooklyn Flea: I’m definitely feeling the need to visit the Brooklyn Flea, as it’s been a few weeks. Looking forward to seeing my usual favorites and checking out what’s new in food, artisans, and fleas! Saturday in the Ft. Green location and Sunday in Williamsburg.
Hell’s Kitchen Flea Market and Sunday Gourmet Food Truck Bazaar: The Hell’s Kitchen Flea Market is one of the largest and best traditional fleas in the city, and they have invited members of the {NewNew} Etsy Artisan Group to add to the variety. The first Sunday of every month, they also host the Food Truck Bazaar, featuring some of the city’s fabulous food on wheels!
Hester Street Fair: Gotta send you to the Hester Street Fair this Saturday! In addition to the well-selected vintage, flea, and handmade sellers there, they sent out the list of featured food vendors. Appetizers, main course, main course, dessert, dessert, dessert. Take notes and let me know what you ate!
St. George Greenmarket: This is a good weekend to hop on the Staten Island Ferry and visit the St. George Greenmarket. It overlooks the harbor and the New York City skyline, and it features premier Greenmarket sellers of fresh fruits, vegetables, baked goods, seafood, and more. This borough features amazing vistas, architecture, and even wildlife – more than 117 species of birds!
Astoria Market: Yes! The Astoria Market is back this weekend. Handmade and vintage goods at this artisan market in the Main Hall of the Bohemian Hall — you know, the one with the Beer Garden! Check out some of the very cool products you’ll find there this weekend on the Astoria Market Blog!
New Amsterdam Market: The New Amsterdam Market is back this Sunday after a July 4th hiatus. This weekend’s food market lineup includes breads, meats, mead, lobster rolls, artisanal sodas, sweets, imported tea, and many more edible luxuries.
Take pictures and let us know your favorite finds and tastiest treats! Someone is making me a cherry pie on Sunday! If you have a great recipe, please share!
#KarenSeiger #Etsy #FoodMarket #CherryPie #BohemianHall #wildlife #MarketsNYC #TheNewNewEtsyartisanGroup #NYCMarkets #NewNew #Importedtea #SourCherries #artisans #StGeorgeGreenmarket #HandmadeMarket #SecondHomeless #GrowNYC #GourmetFoodTruckBazaar #dessert #Vintage #CherryPieRecipe #AstoriaMarket #architecture #FeaturedFoodvendors #amazingvistas #CherrySeason #StatenIsland #FarmersMarket #HellsKitchenFleaMarket #birdspecies #FoodVendors #Greenmarket #WeekendLineup #July9102011 #BeerGarden #MarketsofNewYorkCity #HesterStreetFair #Appetizers #NewYorkCitySkyline #ArtisanMarket #Maincourse #NewAmsterdamMarket #FleaMarket #AstoriaMarketBlog #CheerfulCherryFarm #StatenIslandFerry #WeekendMarketPicks #VisitnewYorkCity #artisanalsodas #BrooklynFlea