It’s Strawberry Season! Make A Pie!
Big weekend at the artisan, farmer, food, and flea markets! Check out 11 special events happening around the city. Plus, summer’s bounty is just coming into full plumpness in the farmers markets, like these strawberries from Kernan Farms at the Union Square Greemarket on Wednesday this week.  James made me a strawberry pie last weekend, including this fancy latticework crust. Check out this video to see his awesome handiwork!
Also, I am very excited about my new story in Edible Brooklyn Magazine! Many thanks to Dick Zigun, Founder of the Coney Island Sideshow by the Seashore, for sharing his amazing food secrets on and around the boardwalk! Put these places on your Summer Bucket List!
Weekend Market Picks
Saturday, June 11, 2016
Bleecker Bites / Greenwich Village Eats: Pop Up New York presents their new-style street fair on Bleecker Street today. Don’t fear – it’s not your grandma’s street fair. Enjoy delicious artisanal food from local purveyors along with the charms of the Village. Read more about Pop Up New York here. 10AM – 6PM, Bleecker Street between Christopher and Bank Streets, Manhattan
Grub Street Beats & Eats at Hester Street Fair: It’s wonderful to see a spring collaboration between NY Magazine’s food blog and this lovely market in addition to the food festival in the fall! Come for amazing food, beer (sponsored by Guinness!), and DJ sets. Friends don’t let friends miss Beats & Eats! 11AM – 5PM, Hester and Essex Streets, Manhattan
Queens International Night Market: Looking for a great place to spend Saturday night with your best buddies? This is it: great local food, shopping from handmade artisans, and Open Mic Night! Check it out! 6PM – 12AM, New York Hall of Science, Flushing Meadows Corona Park, Queens
Renegade Craft Fair Brooklyn Pop Up: Some of the cleverest and most innovative crafters from across the country are popping up in Brooklyn for the month of June! It’s just a short walk to Artists & Fleas in Williamsburg, so make a full day of it! 11AM – 7PM, East River State Park, Brooklyn
School of Visual Arts Makers Market: I’m super excited to see the amazing fashion, furniture, decor, and paper designs made by SVA alumni at their very first market event! I’m heading straight for that keyboard waffle iron! 11AM – 6PM, Metropolitan Pavilion, 123 West 18th Street, ManhattanÂ
Saturday & Sunday, June 11 & 12, 2016
American Crafts Festival at Lincoln Center: Back for its second weekend, this expansive American craft fair is a fabulous place to go for a heavy dose of inspiration and beauty. It is a classic, curated, fine crafts market sponsored by the American Concern for Art and Craftsmanship (ACAC). 12PM – 9PM Saturday, 10AM – 7PM Sunday, Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, Manhattan
Munch Africa Pop Up Eatery: If you love African food, or if you’ve never tried it, this is an excellent place to start! Artists & Fleas is hosting Ukuva iAfrica, Madiba Restaurant, and Munch Africa Food Services, who will be offering tasty treats from South Africa and beyond all weekend! More information here. 12PM – 7PM, Artists & Fleas, 70 North 7th, Brooklyn
Sunday, June 12, 2016
GrowNYC Stop ‘n Swap: Bring the stuff you no longer need and swap it for something cool that you definitely need! Sponsored by GrowNYC and NYC Sanitation’s Zero Waste Programs, these events are a lot of fun. You don’t have to bring anything to take something. But if you do have items to bring, make sure they are clean, reusable, and portable (think clothing, housewares, electronics, books, toys). No furniture or larger items. 11AM – 2PM, Elliott Community Center, 441 West 26th Street, Manhattan
Parkside Greenmarket: GRAND OPENING! Congratulations to this neighborhood farmers market on their Opening Day! This market only began last year to serve the neighborhoods of Prospect Park South, Flatbush, Prospect Lefferts Gardens and even Crown Heights. It’s small, but it’s filled with seafood, baked goods, fruits, vegetables, and flowers! 8AM – 4PM, Parkside Avenue and Ocean Avenue, Brookyn
Annual Plantathon & Craft Fair: Sponsored by the Westside Federation of Neighborhood and Block Associations, this event is now in its 31st year! Head uptown for local crafts, food, entertainment, and games and face painting for kids. The Broadway Malls Association will also be handing out free tulip bulbs at their table between 74th & 75th! 11AM – 6PM, on Broadway from 72nd to 86th Streets, Manhattan
Ridgewood Market Summer Brunch Bazaar: I love the talent, energy, and fun that are the hallmarks of this market event. I also love walking through the neighborhood to get there from the subway station. When they say there will be artisans, food, and drink, they mean it! See you there?! 11AM – 5PM, Gottscheer Hall, 657 Fairview Avenue, Queens
~Karen Seiger, Markets of New York City
#KarenSeiger #GreenwichVillageFare #Strawberryseason #QueensInternationalNightMarket #WeekendMarketPicksJune11amp122016 #GrowNYC #KeyboardWaffleIron #RenegadeCraftFairBrooklynPopUp #DickZigun #ConeyIslandCircusSideshow #WestsideFederationofNeighborhoodandBlockAssociations #GrowNYCStopNSwap #SVAAlumni #AmericanCraftsatLincolnCenter #MarketsofNewYorkCity #KernanFarms #ParksideGreenmarket #AnnualPlantathonandCraftFair #HesterStreetFair #EdibleBrooklynMagazine #GrubStreetBeats #MunchAfricaPopUpEatery #UnionSquareGreenmarket #Jamesmadeapie #SchoolofVisualArtsMakersMarket #BleeckerBites