Fresh Chives in Your Local Greenmarkets
The greenmarkets are filling up with a new growing season filled with beautiful, healthy, and tasty produce! We’ve already had some lovely tomatoes. And, of course, the asparagus has been spectacular (especially when grilled or broiled). Now the chives are out. You can use them as a centerpiece, with their pretty purple flowers, and also on a luscious baked potato with sour cream. Pick up an edible bouquet at your nearest farmers market this weekend!
Weekend Market Picks:
Saturday, June 3, 2017
Hester Street Fair Vintage Day: The Lower East Side’s Hester Street Fair is teaming up with Housing Works for an amazing day of vintage shopping: clothes, accessories, housewares, books, vinyl, comic books, and more, plus music, food, and a day of advocacy! 11AM – 6PM, Hester Street at Essex Street, Manhattan
Jane Street Street Sale : I love this event! Jane Street is a delightful and timeless in the Village, and each year, the neighbors bring all the things they want to get rid of out to the street for a big sale. I’ve found some awesome treasures here, and it’s just fun to hang out and wander through all the history out on the snap tables. 11AM – 5PM, Jane Street between 8th Avenue and Hudson Street, Manhattan
Stop’n’Swap: GrowNYC hosts these swap meets, where you can bring the lightly used things you no longer need and maybe pick up something that you do need from somebody else! 12PM – 3PM, The Old Stone House, 4th Street at 5th Avenue, Brooklyn
Saturday & Sunday, June 3 & 4, 2017
Hell’s Kitchen Flea Market: Take yourself on an Urban Treasure Hunt! New York’s closets empty out into this classic Manhattan flea every Saturday and Sunday. There’s live jazz Saturday from noon till 3PM! 9AM – 5PM, 39th Street between 9th and 10th Avenues, Manhattan
Sip, Shop, Eat Pop Up: Three Squared Gallery is hosting a weekend of curated vintage and handmade shopping, along with local brews, spirits, and delicious foods to taste. 11AM – 6PM, Three Squared Gallery: 157 W. 24th St. New York, NY
Awesometown Esoteric Market: If you’re looking for the out-of-the-ordinary, check out Awesometown. They focus on artists and artisans who make esoteric products inspired by history, taxidermy, alchemy, magic and more. If you miss the Morbid Anatomy Flea, you ought to check out Awesometown. 1PM – 6PM, Lantern Hall, 52 Harrison Place, Brooklyn
Bensonhurst Greenmarket: OPENING DAY! This small but important greenmarket opens on Sunday for the season! Three regional farms provide fresh vegetables, fruit, honey, and more for this Brooklyn community. 9AM – 4PM, 18th Avenue between 81st & 82nd Streets, Brooklyn
Greenwoodstock: Friends of Greenwood Playground in Brooklyn are hosting their annual craft and flea market to benefit their playground. Live music and treats to eat–bring the kids and meet the neighbors! 9AM – 5PM, East 5th Street between Fort Hamilton Parkway and Greenwood Avenue, Brooklyn
NYC International Food Bazaar: Yep, NYC has the best food from all over the world! And loads of it are being served up on Sunday at the Grand Bazaar NYC! Proceeds go to support three local schools. 10:30AM – 5:30PM, 100 West 77th Street at Columbus Avenue, Manhattan
~Karen Seiger, Markets of New York City
#KarenSeiger #FoodMarket #ChiveFLowers #HesterStreetFairVintageDay #Greenwoodstock #AwesometownEsotericMarket #NYCInternationalFoodBazaar #StopandSwap #GrandBazaarNYC #LICFlea #Greenwoodplayground #watermelonWheat #Greenmarket #MarketsofNewYorkCity #Chives #localfarms #BensonhurstGreenmarket #SipShopEatPopUp #FleaMarket #HousingWorks #HellsKitchenFlea #ConeyIslandBreweryTaptakeover #JaneStreetFair