Wonderfully tasty hummus drizzled with olive oil from MTerranean
Food trends come and go, but the Mediterranean diet that has been around for millennia. MTerranean, owned by my friend Abdul Elanani, is a wonderful eatery at the Gansevoort Market in the Meatpacking District, offering takeout and a new eatery bar. The staples are largely plant based, with only a small portion of protein on a daily basis. Abdul offers his clients an incredibly fresh take on traditional dishes, including his glorious hummus (pictured), and the rich shwarma, falafel and kibbeh.
The wonderful Taste of Spring Craftstravaganza is setting up on the sidewalks of Chelsea! I am a proud sponsor of this event, and I can’t wait to see you there. This year, the market features wonderful handmade crafts and some of our favorite local foods, both sweet and savory! (11AM – 5:30PM on 17th Street beteeen 8th & 9th Avennues)
It’s going to be a beautiful weekend!
Weekend Market Picks
Saturday, June 6, 2015
Chelsea Down To Earth Farmers Market: 9AM – 5PM, North Side of West 23rd at 9th Avenue, Manhattan
Pinkster Marketplace at Hamilton Heights Sugar Hill Cultural Festival: 12PM – 6PM, Hamilton Place and West 142nd Street, Manhattan
Japan Block Fair: 10AM – 6PM, Park Avenue Between 39th & 40th Streets, Manhattan
Renegade Brooklyn Saturday Pop Ups: Opening Weekend 11AM – 6PM, East River State Park, Brooklyn
Socrates Sculpture Park Greenmarket: Opening Day! 8AM – 4PM, Vernon Blvd & Broadway, Queens
Taste of Spring Craftstravaganza: 11AM – 5:30PM, 17th Street between 8th & 9th Avenue, Manhattan
39th Annual Garage Sale on 44th: 9AM – Close, West 44th Street between 9th & 10th Avenues, Manhattan
Saturday & Sunday, June 6 & 7, 2015
Broadway Bites: 11AM – 9PM, Greeley Square, at Broadway & 33rd, Manhattan
Chelsea Flea Market: 9AM – 6PM, North side of West 25th Street between Broadway and Sixth Avenue, Manhattan
Crafts at Lincoln Center: 12PM – 9PM Saturday, 10AM-7PM Sunday, Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, 64th Street at Columbus Avenye., Manhattan
New York Bike Jumble Red Hook: 10AM – 4PM, Erie Basin by Ikea, 1 Beard Street, Brooklyn
Penn Plates: Opening Weekend! 11AM – 9PM, One Penn Plaza, the pedestrian plaza connecting 33rd and 34th Streets between 7th and 8th Avenues, Manhattan
Coney Smorgasburg: 11AM – 8PM, 1320 Bowery Street at West 15th, Brooklyn
Sunday, June 7, 2015
SHWICK Market of Makers: 11AM – 6PM, 6 Charles Place, Brooklyn
38th Annual Plantathon & Craft Fair: 11AM – 6PM, Broadway between 73rd and 86th, Manhattan
Housing Works Open Air Street Fair: 10AM – 6PM, Crosby Street, between Houston and Prince, Manhattan
See you at the markets! And please join me in wising my sister Andrea a very Happy Birthday!
~Karen Seiger, Markets of New York City
#KarenSeiger #ConeySmorgasburg #NewYorkBikeJumpeRedHook #BroadwayBites #CraftsatLincolnCenter #ChelseaFleaMarket #PennPlates #West44thStreetGarageSale #JapanBlockFair #HousingWorksOpeNAirStreetFair #Queens #Brooklyn #RenegadeBrooklynSaturdayPopUps #MTerranean #ChelseaDownToEarthMarket #GansevoortMarket #TasteofSpringCraftstravaganza #WeekendMarketPicksJune672015 #MarketsofNewYorkCity #ShwickMarketofMakers #Manhattan #PinksterMarketplaceatHamiltonHeightsSugarHillCulturalFestival #Plantanthonandcraftfair