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Weekend Market Picks May 11 & 12 2013: Wonder Woman Necklace for Mom from Lu Crafts

Writer's picture: Karen SeigerKaren Seiger


LuCraft Wonder Woman

I ran into my friend Louise Lasson of Lu Crafts at the Etsy New York Handmade Cavalcade last weekend. She has started making these great pendant necklaces with pictures she comes across in catalogs or magazines. This fabulous Wonder Woman necklace struck me as the perfect Mother’s Day gift. Let’s face it. My mom is a wonder woman. Your mom is too.

So head over to this weekend’s Museum School Craft Fair, which is featuring over 50 artisans and is co-managed by none other than Louise herself. Pick up a gift for Mom that shows her how much you love and appreciate her. Even when you’re being a bit of a schmendrick. (You know who you are.)

Weekend Market Picks:

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Museum School Spring Craft Fair: This artisan market is produced by Two Fair Ladies, Louise Lasson and Angie Colombo, both talented artisans themselves. Due to the threat of rain, this artisan market has now moved indoors for the day. 10AM – 5PM, 333 W 17th St. between 8th and 9th Aves., Manhattan

Vegan Shop Up: Go to the Vegan Shop Up for lunch, even if you’re not vegan. Or even vegetarian. The food at the Vegan Shop Ups never fails to blow me away. So check it out! 12PM – 6PM, Pine Box Rock Shop, 12 Grattan St., Brooklyn

Saturday and Sunday, May 11 & 12, 2013

Spring Crafts On Columbus: It’s the final weekend of Spring Crafts On Columbus, a beautiful sidewalk venue and a unique collection of art and design. If you are missing the 79th Street Greenmarket, don’t worry. It’s safe and sound a block away inside the schoolyard with the Greenflea. 10AM – 6PM, Columbus Ave. between 77th & 81st Sts., Manhattan

Real Designer Market: I am thrilled to see this new market thriving. Each week they feature new and unique independent designers who are now showing their latest creations for Spring and Summer. 11AM 0 7PM, 268 Mulberry St., Manhattan

Bleecker Street Flea and Artisan Market: If you’re planning on strolling through the Village and down the famous sidewalks of Bleecker St., make sure you stop and do some Mother’s Day shopping at this sweet and diverse market next to Our Lady of Pompeii Church. 11AM – 6PM, Bleecker between Carmine & Leroy, Manhattan,

Mad. Sq. Eats: I made it over to this killer food market today and even braved the impressive crowd to sink my teeth into a delectable spinach gozleme (Turkish flatbread) from MMM Enfes. I’m pretty sure I saw Parker Posey waiting for a table, and I heard a rumor that Ryan Reynolds was hanging out in the perfect weather too. But it’s really all about the food, right?  11AM – 9PM, General Worth Square between Broadway & 5th, and 24th & 25th Sts., Manhattan

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Park Slope Farmers Markets Fair Trade Coffee Break: I am so excited to hear about these special events around Fair Trade Coffee. Tierra Farm will discuss their commitment to fair trade and provide steamy samples of organic coffees. Inspired by the work of Oxfam, the Coffee Break will take place at mid-day during the market at 10AM – 12PM. General Market Hours: 10AM – 5PM, 4th Street at 5th Avenue , Brooklyn

PLUS A huge shout out for two wonderful market vendors:

P&H Soda Co. has a new book, Make Your Own Soda! Meet Chef and Author Anton Nocito in person and taste some of his thirst quenching sodas. By Brooklyn, Saturday at 1PM – 4PM, 261 Smith Street bet. Degraw & Douglass, Brooklyn

Nightly Doodles has an art exhibit! This is the first one for illustrator Jenipher Brody. The theme is “Love: Works Inspired by American Sign Language.” Modca Cafe, 103 North 3rd Street, Brooklyn

~Karen Seiger, Markets of New York City

#SpringCraftFair #KarenSeiger #SpringCraftsonColumbus #LuCrafts #CraftFair #Oxfam #CraftsonColumbus #Love #AmericanSignLanguage #MadisonSquareEats #2013 #JenipherBrody #ParkerPosey #EtsyNewYork #Illustrator #ArtExhibit #Indors #HandmadeCavalcade #BleeckerStreet #CoffeeBreak #spinachgozleme #LouiseLasson #PineBoxRockShop #FleaandArtisanMarket #Brooklyn #RealDesignerMarket #schmendrick #MakeYourOwnSoda #FarmersMarket #independentdesigner #NewYork #MadSqEats #Museumschool #May #independentdesigners #MothersDay #Mom #79thStreet #79thStGreenmarket #NewBook #MMMEnfes #NewYorkMarket #coffee #BleeckerStreetFleaandArtisanMarket #TurkishFood #MarketsofNewYorkCity #NewYorkCityMarkets #PampHSodaampCo #WonderWomanNecklace #LuLasson #Markets #NightlyDoodles #May11amp12 #ArtisanMarket #GrattanStreet #RyanReynolds #MulberryStreet #PrivateShow #DownToEarthMarket #Manhattan #ParkSlope #WeekendMarketPicks #WonderWoman #FairTrade #ASL #FairTradeCofffee #Greenflea #VeganShopUp #ByBrooklyn #AntonNocito


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