Refresh your home with gorgeous blossoming branches from The River Garden in Union Square
Next weekend is Mother’s Day! That can only mean one thing: scrambling for just the right gift for your mom! I can confidently say that that gift, and many others. can be found in any one of these great markets. You really can’t go wrong no matter where you choose!
However, if you have limited time, do not miss Ready Set Summer with some of the most talented, creative, and extremely nice artisans in New York City! It’s on Sunday at the Grand Bazaar on the Upper West Side!
Saturday, May 5, 2018
Art Market 4 Reproductive Justice: Meet 12 local artists and shop for great gifts for mom – or for yourself! 15% of the proceeds will be donated to Planned Parenthood. Hanger pins and blood-rose pins will be sold as well to raise funds for reproductive justice organizations. 12PM – 5PM, 664 Bergen Street, Brooklyn
Chelsea Farmers Market – Opening Day: I love this beautiful market on bustling 23rd Street. It’s back for the season starting this Saturday. 9AM – 4PM, West 23rd Street near 9th Avenue, Manhattan
Designing Women Market: The NY History STore is hosting this market featuring products made by women makers, designers, and entrepreneurs! Watch the film, “We Rise,” narrated by Meryl Streep too! 10M – 4PM, New York Historical Society, 17 Central Park West, Manhattan
Queens Night Market: Still in previews, the Queens Night Market will surely continue with another year of wonderful food from around the world, plus music and lots of other things to do on a warm Saturday night! 6PM – 12AM, New York Hall of Science, Queens
Saturday & Sunday, May 5 & 6, 2018
Hell’s Kitchen Flea Market & Flea Market Flip: Visit Manhattan’s premier flea and antiques market and maybe even see yourself on TV with the Flea Market Flip crew on Saturday from 10:30 – 4PM! 9M – 5PM, West 39th Street between 9th and 10th Avenues, Manhattan
Queens-Made Market: Astoria Craft Mamas are hosting a market filled with handmade artisans from the World’s Borough! They aim to support the arts and crafts in the community, and you should too. 12PM – 5PM, Okabaloo, 35-52 32nd Street, Long Island City, Queens
Spring Market: The Oculus is hosting a lovely spring market, featuring 16 vendors of a variety of products to eat, wear, use, and enjoy! The even runs through May 31. 10AM – 9PM Saturday – Friday, 11AM – 7PM Sunday, Westfield World Trade Center, 185 Greenwich Street, Manhattan
Sunday, May 6, 2018
Luck Included Market: Check out this great market featuring a group of talented and diverse crafta rtisans, food makers, designers, and more, plus tarot readings and flash tattoos! 2PM – 8PM, Bat Haus Co-Working Space, 279 Starr Street, Brooklyn
The Makers Market: Sycamore Brooklyn bar is hosting a collection of local artists and vendors selling handcrafted goods. Also crystals and Tarot readings. 1PM – 6PM, 118 Cortelyou Road, Brooklyn
Ready Set Summer – NY Handmade Collective: The Grand Bazaar is hosting the amazing artisans and makers from the NY Handmade Collective. Some of the most wonderful makers in the city will be there! 10AM – 5:30PM, 100 West 77th Street at Columbus Avenue, Manhattan
Riverdale Sunday Market: It’s the season opener for the the Riverdale Y Sunday Market! Find fresh, locally grown and produced foods. There are special activities for kids, music, and some handmade artisans too! Riverdale Kingsbridge Acadmy, Independence Avenue & West 237th Street, Bronx
Vegan Market at Market Hotel: Vegan isn’t just for vegans! And it’s not just food! So bring your vegan and non-vegan friends alike to eat delicious things and shop for clothing, cosmetics, body products, and more! 12PM – 5PM, Market Hotel, 1140 Myrtle Avenue, Brooklyn
~Karen Seiger, Markets of New York City
#Queensmademarket #TheMakersMarket #LuckIncludedMarket #ChelseaFarmersMarekt #MothersDayGifts #EtsyNY #WestfieldProperties #SpringCraftsinChelsea #ReadySetSummer #DesginignWomenMarket #RiverdaleSundayMarket #NYHandmadeCollective #VegaMarketatMarketHotel #HellsKitchenFleaMarketampFleaMarketFlip #ArtMarket4ReproductiveJustice #WeekendMarketPicks #SpringMarket