Every year I have to post a story about Brussels sprouts because the are just so pretty. This year I’ve found some true beauties at the Union Square Greenmarket.
Brussels sprouts look like teensy cabbages, but they actually grow on stalks. It is lovely to bring home an entire stalk and cut them off as you need them, like a mini harvest in your kitchen.
We’re making a new Brussels sprout recipe for Thanksgiving this year. Traditionally, my sister-in-law Judy’s recipe is to cut the sprouts in half and sautée them in butter and olive oil with a sprinkle of poppy seeds. The dark grey seeds against the bright green sprouts make for a visually appetizing dish.
This year, however, James is finally making the GrowNYC recipe for Maple Glazed Brussels Sprouts. I tried a sample several years ago at a market, and it’s a very tasty recipe. Essentially, you add a few tablespoons of maple to the sautée pan with the sprouts. The secret is that you finish it off with a splash of apple cider vinegar to temper the sweetness and add a tart little kick.
Pick up this recipe and many more excellent ones from the GrowNYC Information Tent at your nearest greenmarket!
Weekend Market Picks:
This week marked the grand opening of the Grand Central Holiday Fair and the Union Square Holiday Market! The Bryant Park Holiday Shops are going strong too!
Here are this weekend’s special holiday events:
November 20 – 22. Church of Sweden Christmas Bazaar, 5 East 48th Street, Manhattan
November 20 – 22. Norwegian Seamen’s Church Christmas Fair, 317 East 57th Street, Manhattan
November 22, December 6, 20. The Holiday Marketplace at St. Dominic’s, 2001 Bay Ridge Parkway at 20th Avenue, Brooklyn
November 22 – 23. Out to See, South Street Seaport, Manhattan
November 22 – 23. American Fine Craft Show at Brooklyn Museum, 200 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn
November 22 – 23. Made In Brooklyn Holiday Market & American Field Pop-Up at Industry City, 274 36th Street, Brooklyn
November 23. East Harlem Holiday Marketplace at Saint Cecilia’s, 120 East 106th Street, Manhattan
November 23. Ridgewood Artisan Holiday Market, Gottscheer Hall, 657 Fairview Avenue, Ridgewood, Queens
For all the weekend’s holiday market events, visit the 2014 New York City Holiday Markets Guide!
~Karen Seiger, Markets of New York Ciy
#KarenSeiger #RidgewoodArtisanHolidayMarket #GrowNYC #2014NewYorkCityHolidayMarketsGuide #Brooklyn #brusselssproutsgrowonstalks #MadeinBrooklynHolidayMarket #BayRidge #IndustryCity #Brusselssprouts #AmericanFieldPopUp #MapleGlazedBrusselssprouts #MarketsofNewYorkCity #TheHOlidayMarketplaceatStDominics #UnionSquareGreenmarket #AmerianFineCraftShowattheBrooklynMuseum #EastHarlemHolidayMarketplaceatSaintCecilias #ChurchofSwedenChristmasBazaar #NorwegianSeamensChurchChristmasFair