Brazil’s Chef Lucas Corazza, Visiting Vendor at Smorgasburg this weekend
I love everything about cultural exchanges, especially when there’s food involved. This weekend, I learned that Smorgasburg is hosting a wonderful chocolatier and pastry chef from Brazil, Chef Lucas Corazza.
Chef Lucas is a renowned maker of fantastic desserts. For his weekend in New York City, he is creating four different confections representing four different regions of Brazil. All of the ingredients are from Brazil, and he is known for using Brazilian fruits, like cupuaçu, which is subtly pineapplish with a hint of passionfruit, and jabuticaba, a mild berry. The one exception is butternut squash, which is local and Lucas’ nod to our Thanksgiving feasting next week.
Chef Lucas’ visit is an exciting opportunity for New York food lovers to try his highly refined, beautiful and architectural creations. Plus, he’s lovely and charming and so happy to be in New York. He normally sells at the Feirinha Gastronomica, São Paolo’s own Smorgasburg-style food market.
Lucas has been whipping up his magic during the night shift this week in Roni-Sue’s Chocolates’ new shop and production space on Forsythe Street. There will be limited amounts of each of Chef Lucas’ four treats at Smorgasburg on Saturday and Sunday, so get there early and try them all!
Weekend Market Picks! It’s Holiday Market Time!
Weekend Holiday Markets:
NYCreates Holiday Craft Market, Saturday – Sunday, 499 Van Brunt Street, Red Hook, Brooklyn
Renegade Brooklyn Winter Fair, Saturday – Sunday, One Hanson Place, Brooklyn
Fashion on the Factory Floor Holiday Market, Saturday – Sunday, 241 37th Street in Sunset Park, Brooklyn
Chanukkah Craft and Social Justice Market, Sunday, Congregation Beth Elohim, 274 Garfield Place, Brooklyn
Ongoing Seasonal Holiday Markets:
Artists and Fleas: 2013 Fall and Holidays at Chelsea Market, Open all week, 9th and 15th Sts, Manhattan
Artists & Fleas Holiday Shopping, Saturdays and Sundays, 70 North 7th Street between Kent & Wythe Avenues, Williamsburg, Brooklyn
Holiday Shopping at The Market NYC, Wednesdays – Sundays, 159 Bleecker Street, Manhattan
Vintage Holidays at the East 67 Street Flea, Saturdays, PS 183, East 67th Street between 1st and York Avenues, Manhattan
Greenflea Antique Holidays, Sundays Columbus Avenue between W. 76th and W. 77th Streets, Manhattan
Winter Village at Bryant Park, Open all week, Manhattan
Brooklyn Night Bazaar, Fridays & Saturdays, 165 Banker St, Brooklyn
Grand Central Holiday Fair, Open all week, Vanderbilt Hall, Manhattan
Union Square Holiday Market, Open all week, Union Square, Manhattan
Soha Square Holiday Market, Open all week, 2171 Frederick Douglass Boulevard, Manhattan
Real NYC Designer Market, Open Saturday – Sunday, 233 Mott, Manhattan
~Karen Seiger, Markets of New York City

Confectioners Lucas Corazza and Rhonda Kave, of Roni-Sue’s Chocolates! (Photo courtesy of Chef Corazza)
#KarenSeiger #FoodMarket #VintageHolidays #WinterVillageatBryantPark #2013 #ChelseaMarket #Smorgasburg #VanderbiltHall #NYCreates #FeirinhaGastronomica #HandmadeGifts #SaoPaolo #Renegade #BrazilianChef #FashionontheFactoryFloor #Brooklyn #RhondaKave #RenegadeCraftFairBrooklyn #TheMarketNYC #NewYork #RealNYCDesignerMarket #ChefLucasCorazza #UnionSquareHolidayMarket #BuyLocalGifts #SohaSquareHolidaymarket #NYC #East67thStreetMarket #holidaymarkets #MarketsofNewYorkCity #ArtistsandFleas #AntiqueHolidays #GrandCentlraHolidayFair #November2324 #RoniSuesChocolates #ChanukkahCraftandSocialJusticeMarket #WeekendMarketPicks #Greenflea #BrooklynNightBazaar