Eggplants from Phillips Farms Glowing in the Sunshine
Earlier this week, I was walking through the Union Square Market. It was so nice out that many of the farmers didn’t bother to put up their tents. These beautiful, shiny eggplants reminded me of Victorian gazing balls as they reflected the bright sunshine. There are many different varieties of eggplants available in the farners markets right now, so I encourage you to ask the farmers and your fellow shoppers what they do with each different type. Share the recipes with us here if you have any good ones!
Weekend Market Picks
Saturday, October 10, 2015
Brooklyn Flea: This is the last weekend for the Brooklyn Flea’s Fort Greene market and Smorgasburg’s Prospect Park venue before they move into their winter digs at Industry City starting next year. So go enjoy treasure hunting in the great outdoors one last time this weekend! 10AM – 5PM, 176 Lafayette Avenues between Clermont + Vanderbilt Avenues, Brooklyn
Fort Greene Greenmarket: Since it’s the last day for the Flea, I suggest you also pay a visit to this large greenmarket alongside Fort Greene Park. Now’s the perfect time to try the season’s best apples and maybe also catch a few straggling tomatoes too. 8AM – 4PM, Washington Park between DeKalb & Willoughby Streets, Brooklyn
King’s County Fiber Festival: It’s a perfect day for a fiber fest! Meet over 20 fiber artisans, crocheters, dyers, felters, knitters, quilters, spinners and weavers at this beautiful and tactile event and get ready to stay warm in the coming months. 10AM – 6 PM, Old Stone House, 4th Street at 5th Avenue, Brooklyn
Vegan Shop Up: Back for the first of two pop-ups this month, this vegan event features delicious food. Even non-vegans will be amazed and happy to try the savory and sweet treats. (The second pop-up is in Manhattan on 10/25/15). 12PM – 6PM, Pine Box Rock Shop, 12 Grattan Street, Bushwick, Brooklyn
Saturday & Sunday, October 10 & 11, 2015
Autumn Crafts Festival at Lincoln Center: This is the second and final weekend of this fine craft show. Shop for fine jewelry, clever accessories, stylish clothing and beautiful decor. Saturday 11AM – 8:30PM , Sunday 10AM – 6:30PM, Lincoln Center, 64th Street at Columbus Avenue, Manhattan
Broadway Bites: Look for this vibrant food market just north of Herald Square, with over 25 food vendors this season! It will be open through November 5th for a fast, tasty lunch or dinner and beers with friends in the evenings. 11AM – 9PM, Greeley Square Park at the intersection of 33rd Street and Broadway, Manhattan
Hell’s Kitchen Flea: It’s always exciting to explore all the tables and racks at this classic flea market. You may find a cool old trunk to inspire a total redesign of your living room. Or you may find a fabulous pair of Ferragamo loafers. But you’ll never find your treasure if you don’t visit the flea! 9AM – 5PM, West 39th Street between 9th & 10th Avenues, Manhattan
Nolita Market: Looking for some new jewelry for the new season? Or a cool new t-shirt? This picturesque market hosts many fine local designers who sell their handmade products beneath pretty umbrellas. 10AM – 7PM, Prince Street between Mulberry & Mott Streets
St. Anthony’s Market: A short walk from the Nolita Market, St. Anthony’s market is conveniently located on the sidewalk of Houston Street. The vendor lineup changes every week, but you will find craft artisans, jewelry designers, food vendors and more. 10AM – Dusk, Houston Street between Thompson and Macdougal Streets, Manhattan
Sunday, October 10, 2015
Park Slope Sunday Farmers Market: Even if you don’t live in the neighborhood, you will want to pay a visit to this beautiful market. As I always say, Down To Earth Markets are particularly special because they offer prepared foods, like chutneys, olive oil and kettle corn. 10AM – 4PM, The Old Stone House, 4th Street at 5th Avenue
Stuyvesant Town Greenmarket: Located within the Stuy Town gardens, this farmers market provides a beautiful variety of local produce, dairy, proteins and baked goods for local residents and neighbors beyond the compound. 9:30AM- 4PM, South end of Stuyvesant Town Oval, near the 14th Street Loop between 2st avenue and Avenue A, Manhattan
~Karen Seiger, Markets of New York City
#AutumnCraftsFestival #KarenSeiger #KingsCountyFiberFestival #FoodMarket #BroadwayBites #CraftsatLincolnCenter #NolitaMarket #StuyvesandTownGreenmarket #FarmersMarket #StAnthonysMarket #MarketsofNewYorkCity #ParkSlopeSundayFarmersMarket #eggplant #LincolnCenter #FleaMarket #FortGreeneGreenmarket #HellsKitchenFlea #VeganShopUp #BrooklynFlea