The Chelsea Flea Market is a wonderful place to spend several hours getting lost in history. Since the Antiques Garage closed to make way for a new high rise building, this outdoor market has become the new home to many sellers of old things. Strolling through the generous rows of tents is not only a nostalgic journey, but also a testimonial to the way things used to be made with attention to detail, quality and durability.
One of my favorite spots is Booth #102. Market sellers Margaret and Robert bring display cases filled with gorgeous antique jewelry. You can find lovely necklaces, earrings, rings and bracelets from every decade. The photo above gives you an idea of the depth and breadth of their collection, and that is only in one jewelry case. What is clearly evident from their collection is that craftsmanship is always in style.
“We like finding things that are special to bring to the flea market,” Margaret told me, “You can tell when a person has had a wonderful life.” It is nice that she and Robert appreciate that everything they sell has a history and brought pleasure to its previous owner in some way. Their ability to find treasures and carry along their stories to the rest of us is the essence of a great flea market.
Margaret and Robert tell me that the extra special pieces they bring every weekend often sell to the first people who stop by in the mornings. So get to Booth #102, and all the other booths too, right when the Chelsea Flea Market opens at 9AM and let me know what you couldn’t leave behind.
Friday, Saturday & Sunday, October 17-19, 2014
Essex Street Market: Looking for a fascinating food destination? Check out this wonderfully diverse food market on the Lower East Side. You will find delicious things to eat, like handmade chocolates, fresh baked breads and muffins, or a perfect cup of coffee, as well as inspiring ingredients to cook at home, including meats, seafood, produce and international grocery items. 8AM – 7PM, Monday – Saturday, 10AM – 6PM Sunday, 120 Essex Street at Delancey, Manhattan
Gowanus Open Studios: I’ve spent a good amount of time exploring Gowanus, mostly via cool markets and events. This weekend, over 300 artists are opening their studios and art venues to the public, and it is going to be incredible. Have a peep inside some fascinating spaces where art and design happen. You can meet the artists and designers and pick up some new pieces for your collection directly from the people who made them. 12PM – 6PM, throughout Gowanus, Brooklyn
Nolita Market: This outstanding street market is a great destination for local artisan products, handmade in NYC. The jewelry is all wonderful, and you can find great NY t-shirts and super stylish fall hats. This vibrant market maintains the history of art and design in the neighborhood. 11AM – 6PM, Prince Street between Mulberry & Mott, alongside St. Patrick’s Old Cathedral, Manhattan
Saturday, October 18, 2014
Crafts in Chelsea: I absolutely love biannual this event, put on by Two Fair Ladies, because it is filled with so much local talent. You will find everything from upcycled fashions and natural body products to the sweetest handmade toys and groovy tee shirts. I love all the whimsy and the wonderful vibes. Proceeds from vendor fees go to support student activities for PS 11 too. Note that it ends kind of early, so get there when it opens! 11AM – 4PM, West 21st Street between 8th and 9th Avenues, Manhattan
Saturday & Sunday, October 18 & 19, 2014
Chelsea Flea Market: See story above. 9AM – 6PM, 25th Street between Broadway and 6th Avenue, Manhattan
Real NYC Designer Market: If you want to find out what the fashion trends of tomorrow will be, or if you simply want distinctive, fun and stylish clothing and accessories, spend some time in this market. You will meet the designers themselves, which is worth the visit! It is also within walking distance of the Hester Street Fair and the Essex Street Market. 11AM – 8 PM Saturdays and 11AM – 6PM Sundays, at 109 Mulberry Street, Manhattan
Ridgewood Market: One of the most exciting market events in Queens, the Ridgewood Market is celebrating Halloween! Meet great local artisans, vintage dealers and food makers, and test drive your Halloween costume at the market this weekend. Music and drinks too! 11AM – 5PM, Gottscheer Hall, 657 Fairview Avenue, Ridgewood, Queens
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Queens County Market & Jackson Heights Fall Festival: Great things happen when an outstanding food market teams up with a beloved neighborhood farmers market. On Sunday, head over to Jackson Heights to eat delicious foods from local food artisans and also shop in one of the city’s largest and most diverse greenmarkets. There will also be a book signing by the Andrea Lynn, Author of Queens: A Culinary Passport. 8AM – 3PM, 34th Avenue at 78th Street, Queens
Karen Seiger, Markets of New York City
#KarenSeiger #FoodMarket #perfectcupofcoffee #RidgewoodMarket #NYCMarkets #handmadechocolate #ChelseaFleaMarket #FallFestival #FallCraftsinChelsea #MarketsNYC #GrowNYC #vibrantmarket #testdriveyourhalloweencostume #NolitaMarket #JacksonHeightsGreenmarket #freshbakedbreadsandmuffins #October1617182014 #FarmersMarket #PS11 #QueensCountymarket #QueensMarkets #supportstudentactivities #CityMarkets #GowanusOpenStudies #Greenmarket #foodmarekt #MarketsofNewYorkCity #EssexStreetMarket #RealNYCDesignerMarket #HesterStreetFair #Booth102 #NYtshirts #meetthedesiners #ArtisanMarket #MulberryStreet #BrooklynMarkets #FleaMarket #ManhattanMarkets #Nolita #WeekendMarketPicks #Foodntrepreneurs #Queensartisanmarket #fallhats #FashionTrendsoftomorrow #everythinghasahistory #VintageJewelry #TwoFairLadies #MargaretandRobert #CraftsiNChelea