“I would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself, than be crowded on a velvet cushion.” ~Henry David Thoreau
Did everyone notice the magical quick change in the markets from summer to fall?! One week it’s peaches and tomatoes, and suddenly it’s pumpkins and apples! I’m so happy for some cooler weather, if and when we get any, because we’re starting our long training season for our second marathon in April.
I have big plans for the sugar pumpkins and butternut squashes that will be coming through our kitchen. In addition to soups, we’re planning on trying that incredible Afghani pumpkin dish Kaddo Bourani, but without the meat sauce (here’s the recipe from ACraftyMom.com, inspired by The Helmand in Baltimore, one of my favorite restaurants in the whole entire world!) I’m also making Martha Stewart’s perfect roasted applesauce recipe this weekend.
When life gives you pumpkins and apples…!
Weekend Market Picks
Saturday, October 7, 2017
Fall Flea Market: St. Mark’s Episcopal Church in Jackson Heights is hosting a big flea market! Shop for treasures for your collections, your kitchen, your kids, your bookshelves, and more. And don’t shop hungry because St. Mark’s Cafe will be serving breakfast, lunch, and snacks. 9AM – 5PM, 3350 82nd Street, Queens
Inwood Greenmarket: Visit the northernmost farmers market in Manhattan on Saturday morning. It sets up in beautiful Inwood Hill Park, and this weekend is the Greenmarket Regional Grains Project and also the Beer & Spirits of NY Pop Up! 8AM – 12PM, Isham Street between Seaman Avenue and Cooper Street, Manhattan
Kings County Fiber Festival: If you like anything soft and cozy, you cannot miss this event. It features “natural fiber artists, crocheters, dyers, felters, kniters, quilters, spinners, and weavers” from the New York area. I’m so excited – and also concerned for my budget! 10M – 5PM, Old Stone House, 336 Third Street between 4th & 5th Avenues, Brooklyn
Sip, Shop, Eat Collective Pop Up Market: Truth in advertising! Do all three of these activities at this afternoon event in Williamsburg. Fashion, art, homewares, body products, candles and much more to take home with you. 12PM – 6PM, 106 North 3rd Street, Brooklyn
Saturday & Sunday, October 7 & 8, 2017
Bleecker Street Artisan & Flea Market: This market was started by local artisans and flea market vendors after 9/11 to revitalize the neighborhood and the local economy. It has graced the side of Our Lady of Pompeii Church every weekend since then. Handmade and vintage finds in the heart of the Village. 9AM – 7PM, Bleecker Street between Carmine & Leroy Streets, Manhattan
Queens International Night Market: Fundraiser for Puerto Rico! Your suggested $5 admission will go towards helping the people of Puerto Rico, as wll your purchase of BBQ pork from Lechonera La Piraña. Bring a blanket and a bunch of friends, and plan on eating, drinking, shopping, and listening to music! 6PM – Midnight, New York Hall of Science, Flushing Meadows Corona park 47-01 111th Street, Corona, Queens
Urbanspace Garment District Market: If you’re looking for amazing local food any day of the week, get over to Urbanspace Garment District for lunch or dinner. Chicken in waffle cones, Southeast Asian style tacos, Turkish stuffed pastries, ice cream sandwiches, and much more, including beers, can be found here, 7 days a week through October 27th. 11am – 8pm Mon – Sat, closed Sun, Broadway between 40th and 41st Street, Manhattan
Sunday, October 8, 2017
Fast Forward to Fall – NYC Craft Pop-Up: The Grand Bazaar NYC is partnering with the NY Handmade Collective to bring 40 the most beautiful, clever, and unique handmade craft artisans from together. Get a little holiday shopping done (especially for yourself, #amiright? 10AM – 5:30PM, Grand Bazaar NYC, 100 West 77th Street, Manhattan
Re-Thinking Columbus Day/Honoring Water Protectors: This event takes place on Sunday and Monday, sponsored by Redhawk Native American Arts Council. If you’ve never been to a Native American event, here’s your chance to enjoy music, dance, food, and traditional craft vendors! Check out the Sunrise Ceremony on Monday at 7AM. 11AM – 5PM Sunday, 7AM – 4PM Monday, Harlem River Field, Icahn Stadium, Randall’s Island
Monday, October 9, 2017
ID Pop Shop: This fabulous independent designer market is open for two full weeks this month inside Chelsea Market! Many of your favorite designers will be there, and they have several new ones this month. Update your wardrobe and your home for the season! 10AM – 7:30PM, 75 9th Avenue, Manhattan
~Karen Seiger, Markets of New York City
#KarenSeiger #KingsCountyFiberFestival #FoodMarket #QueensInternationalNightMarket #NYCraftPopUp #OurLadyofPompeiiChiruch #FallFleaMarket #IDPopShop #GrandBazaarNYC #FarmersMarket #WeekendMarketPicksOctober792017 #IndependentDesignerMarket #NYHandmadeCollective #Greenmarket #Urbanspace #FastForwardtoFall #MarketsofNewYorkCity #OldStoneHouse #SipShopampEatCollectivePopUpMarket #GarmentDistrictMarket #BrooklynMarkets #FleaMarket #InwoodGreenmarket #LechoneralaPirana #BleeckerStreetArtisanandFleaMarket #RedhawkNativeAmericanArtsCouncil #JacksonHeights #StMarksEpiscopalchurch #InwoodGreenmarekt