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Weekend Market Picks – September 10 & 11, 2011

Writer's picture: Karen SeigerKaren Seiger

I hope you had an awesome summer, dodging earthquakes, hurricanes and floods!  If anyone can explain what’s going on with this crazy world, I’m all ears.

In all seriousness, I want to send my best wishes to everyone who has suffered damages with this crazy weather, especially our regional farmers.  Some of them have been hit very hard.  What we can do to help is a) shop at the Greenmarkets more than ever and b) contribute what you can to the GrowNYC Hurricane Irene Relief Fund.

This Weekend’s Market Picks:

Saturday & Sunday:

Washington Square Outdoor Art Exhibit:  This semi-annual art show is in its 81st year!  Stroll through the outdoor fair and be amazed at the quality and talent of the diverse fine WSOAE artists and artisans along the bucolic Village sidewalks.  The image above is painter Richard Stalter.  The painting in his hands appears in Markets of New York City.  It reminds me of the county fairs we used to go to back in the day. My husband secretly got it for me as a gift last year, and I love seeing it every day.

Nolita Market:  Get to the Nolita Market this weekend (Friday too) because it is going to be on hiatus for the following two weekends (September 16th-18th and Sept 23rd-25th) to make way for the San Gennaro Festival.  There are some true treasures in this market.  P.S. If my friend Joseph Callari decides to sing some Sinatra at Puglia’s during the festival, I’ll let you know!


Any Greenmarket in the 5 Boroughs! There are almost 70 GrowNYC markets in town each week this season.  And now is the time to support our local markets and enjoy the bounty of this region.  The flooding has been very bad for many farms, probably worse than we even know.   So if you can’t make it Saturday morning, visit the GrowNYC site and see where the markets are throughout the week and the five boroughs!

Sunday, September 11:

Dekalb Market:  This market venue and shops are open all week long, but their Fashion’s Night Out festivities have been moved to Sunday! Open Bar, food tasting and art, with a fashion show featuring local designers 66 Blackbirds, Hank & JoJo, Rubyzaar, Little Poco, Honeysuckle + Hearts, Harriets by Hekima.

Hell’s Kitchen Flea Market & Food Truck Bazaar: They’re at it again, those fabulous Hell’s Kitchen Flea people!  Not only do they run a fantastic flea market, with recently added handmade crafts from the {NewNew} Etsy Artisan Group, they also bring out a great herd of food trucks!  Everything tastes better from a truck.

New Amsterdam Market:  The market is back from two weeks of hiatus, partially planned and partially thanks to a certain hurricane.  They’re kicking off the fall season as beautifully as ever with a wonderful lineup of purveyors.

To wrap up on some outstanding news, the Lower Manhattan Development Corporation announced a $250,000 grant award to the New Amsterdam Market to “increase outreach and marketing to expand the Market’s customer base and attract new vendors to public market located in East River Market District.”  I knew this year would start turning around soon!

#KarenSeiger #Floods #FoodMarket #000grant #Rubyzaar #MarketsNYC #Blackout #GrowNYCHurricaneIreneReliefFund #70GrowNYCMarketseachweek #OpenBar #flooding #artisans #250 #NewVendors #66Blackbirds #MarketPicks #RichardStalter #HankampJoJo #CustomerBase #SanDiego #Secretgift #NolitaMarket #Hurricanes #2011 #HarrietsbyHekima #Sinatra #Villagesidewalks #GreatHerdofFoodTrucks #CountyFairs #FarmersMarket #HoneysuckleampHearts #Book #Greenmarket #DekalbMarket #FashionsNightOut #SanGennaroFestival #5Boroughs #MarketsofNewYorkCity #EastRiverMarketDistrict #September1112 #Earthquakes #WashingtonSquareOutdoorArtExhibit #hurricaneIrene #ArtisanMarket #NewAmsterdamMarket #September11 #FleaMarket #RegionalFarmers #TheNewNewArtisanGroup #JosephCallari #LittlePoco #Puglias #HellsKitchenFlea #Leslie #FIneArtists #LowerManhattanDevelopmentCorporation #FashionShow #WSOAE


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Markets Of New York City

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