… And then Fall arrived on Thursday night at 7.25PM! Wasn’t that crazy?! Fall makes me super nostalgic for school days, cozy sweatshirts, holding hands, and cookies. So it is perfect timing to go see chef and baker Suzanne Michaud of Comfort Food Kitchen this Sunday at the Hester Street Fair!
The Comfort Food Kitchen features cookies made from historic and heirloom recipes. In fact, Suzanne told me her first memory is of eating chocolate chip cookies that her neighbor made especially for her. Her Florentine Biscotti recipe was brought to the US from the Old World over 100 years ago by a friend’s grandmother. The delicious, chewy Anzac Biscuits are made from a recipe given to Suzanne by the lovely father of a dear friend. Anzac Biscuits are the national cookie of Australia They were made by women to send to their men in the armed services during WWI (Anzac stands for Australia New Zealand Army Corps). The biscuits are made with old fashioned golden cane sugar syrup, which helped them stay chewy and moist as they reached loved ones.
Suzanne promised me she’d be bringing the biscotti and Anzac biscuits to the Hester Street Fair this Sunday, as well as some other tasty treats to make the shopping even sweeter!
And now for the Market Picks!
Saturday & Sunday, September 17 & 18
Artists & Fleas: Drop by Williamsburg and visit this run, vibrant indoor market! It is loaded with talented fashion and accessories designers, as well as vintage collections. Delicious food too, with short lines! And congratulations to founder Amy Abraham and her business partner Adelaide Lancaster on their awesome new book, The Big Enough Company!
Hester Street Fair: Do not miss the second annual Stylist Tent Event on Sunday! Sponsored by Uniqlo, this event features clothing and accessories contributed by fashion industry insiders. They tag their items and bring them to Hester Street. And you and I get to pick through these gems and take home something fabulous for next year’s Fashion’s Night Out! The market is also open on Saturday!
Saturday Only, September 17
East 67th Street Market: This Saturday Flea Market has vendors in the schoolyard of PS 183 on East 66th and East 67th Streets between 1st and York Avenues. There are also some phenomenal, must-see vintage vendors inside the halls and cafeteria. Stop by for vintage decorative items, jewelry, and more, including cashmere sweaters!
Morningside Park Farmers’ Market: This market is run by Community Markets and sponsored by the Friends of Morningside Park at 110th Street and Manhattan Avenue. Come find farmers and food purveyors, and join in the yoga class with Lara from Land Yoga at 4PM!
Sunday, September 18
79th Street Greenmarket: Open on Sundays on the Upper West Side, this market is one of the larger Greenmarkets in the city. Right now it stretches from 77th – 80th Street alongside the Natural History Museum. So it is a scenic, beautiful market filled with 32 vendors during growing season. It is also right across Columbus Avenue from the weekly Greenflea on Sundays.
Grab your coziest sweatshirt and meet me at the markets! It’s going to be chilly and beautiful – perfect for shopping!
#KarenSeiger #ArtistsampFeas #AdelaideLancaster #79thStreetGreenmaket #MorningsideParkFarmersMarket #jeselry #TheBiggEnougCompany #2001 #AmyAbraham #Cashmereescaped #SuzanneMichaid #79StreetGreenmarketDelivery #temtevent #East67thStreetMarket #MarketsofNewYorkCity #HestersStreetfail #Williamsburg #HesterStreetFair #September17amp18 #ComfortFoodKitchen #Cookie #CoziestSweater #WeekendMarketPicks #SuzanneMichaud