Broadway Cares Flea Market (Photo by OnStage blog)
It’s the beginning of fall officially, but apparently the weather didn’t get the memo because it’s going to be a warm, sunny weekend! And it’s also the weekend when two of my favorite annual events take place! The London Terrace Street Fair on Saturday is an opportunity for neighbors to bring out the things gathering dust in their apartments, and we can pick them up for a song and take them home to our apartments! I find treasures every year here, like a purple Blenko double spout pitcher that I adore for $5 .
The Sunday Broadway Cares Flea Market is an only-in-New-York kind of event, where you can pick up real artifacts from your favorite Broadway shows, meet Broadway stars in person, and even bid on experiences on an actual Broadway stage! It’s a remarkable event that’s not to be missed, and proceeds go to provide healthcare and support to performing artists in need. Absolutely wonderful all around.
Weekend Market Picks:
Saturday, September 23, 2017
Brooklyn Flea Record Fair: Over 70 vinyl vendors come to Brooklyn for this massive record fair. For music purists, music historians, and people with turntables will find many, many treasures in hundreds of bins. 11AM – 6PM, Wast River State Park, 90 Kent Avenue at North 8th, Brooklyn
London Terrace Street Fair: A large yard sale in Chelsea, the London Terrace Street Fair is a great place to find someone’s old objects and turn them into your favorite new ones! Clothing, household items, art, and loads more. 8AM – 5PM, 24th Street between 9th & 10th Avenue, Manhattan
Long Beach Boardwalk Art Craft & Gift Fair: Sure, it’s not New York City, but this is a very cool event, and it’s close enough. Enjoy summer-like weather and shop from regional craft artisans near the seashore. 10AM – 6PM, Long Beach Boardwalk, 142 West Walnut Street, Long Beach
McCarren Park Greenmarket: It’s a great day to get to McCarren Park in Williamsburg because this greenmarket features over 20 fabulous local farms and bakeries selling bread, proteins, vegetables, dairy, and more. Come shop for a week of healthy eating, and meet the neighbors. 8AM – 3PM, North 12th Street & Union Avenue, Brooklyn
NYC Honey Festival: The Rockaway Boardwalk is buzzing all day with the 7th annual bee celebration. You’ll find a bee-product marketplace, as well as art, food (presumably lots of honey-based treats), art, music, film, and activities for kids. 11AM – 6PM, Rockaway Beach Boardwalk 106th Street, Rockaway Beach, Queens
Saturday & Sunday, September 23 & 24, 2017
World Maker Faire & BUST Craftacular: Part science fair, part craft show, part Burning Man, and part Ren Fest, the World Maker Faire is filled with super creative people doing and making intriguing things. Great for people of all ages – tickets required. 10AM – 6PM, New York Hall of Science, 47-01 111th Street, Corona, Queens
Sunday, September 24, 2017
43rd Annual Atlantic Antic: This huge street festival is a Brooklyn tradition that attracts thousands of neighbors. Plan on walking up and down Atlantic Avenue, eating great local food, shopping for jewelry and much more from local artisans, and enjoying great music all day long! 12PM – 6PM, 494 Atlantic Avenue, Brooklyn
Broadway Cares Flea Market & Grand Auction: This event is one of my all-time favorites of the entire year! Broadway theaters clear out their closets and have a yard sale. You can find real costumes, shoes, and props from your favorite shows, and also stage designs, historic playbills, photography, and swag from all the shows. You can meet Broadway stars and bid on spectacular on-stage experiences in the Live Auction. Make your Broadway debut, or take a piece of Broadway home with you. 10AM – 7PM, Shubert Alley between 44th and 45th Streets, Manhattan
Cunningham Park’s Down To Earth Farmers Market: Fourteen wonderful local farmers and food purveyors make up this market in Fresh Meadows, Queens. Try the prepared sauces, ice pops, specialty foods, baked goods, and much more, along with fine produce, dairy, and proteins. 9AM – 2PM, Northeast corner of Cunningham Park, Fresh Meadows, Queens.
NYC Artisan Jewelry Bazaar: So many earrings, so few ears! Good luck getting out with your finances in tact at this Grand Bazaar NYC event with 100+ vendors, including dozens of local jewelry makers. Every style imaginable, and probably some unimaginable until you see them. Get your holiday shopping done way early! 10AM – 5:30PM, 100 West 77th Street (at Columbus Avenue), Manhattan
~Karen Seiger, Markets of New York City
#KarenSeiger #NYCHoneYFestival #LondonTerraceStreetFair #WorldMakerFaire2017 #NYCArtisanJewelryBazaar #BUSTCraftacular #43rdAnnualAtlanticAntic #CraftMarket #GrandBazaarNYC #CunninghamParksDownToEarthFarmersMarket #FarmersMarket #LongBeachBoardwalkArtCraftampGiftFair #Greenmarket #MarketsofNewYorkCity #ArtisanMarket #BroadwayCaresEquityFightsAIDSFleaMarket #FleaMarket #McCarrenParkGreenmarket