I use antlers in all of my decorating – at Hell’s Kitchen Flea
Yesterday was summer, and today is fall. That was quick! But better to be a little chilly rather than a little schvitzy, right? Enjoy wearing your favorite sweater – or find a new one – at any of these amazing markets!
Weekend Market Picks
Saturday, September 30, 2017
Fair Lady Fall Craftstravaganza: Fun in the street in Chelsea! Check out some wonderful independent craft artisans today. Pick up your new favorite pair of earrings, knit hat, and body lotion, or any number of other treasures you won’t want to live without! 11AM- 5:30PM, West 17th Street between 8th and 9th Avenues, Manhattan
Park Hill Community Market & Festival: Come to this cultural celebration of African immigrant community with live music, traditional artisans, and food, sponsored by Napela NYC. Looks like the perfect way to spend the day on Staten Island! 2PM – 6PM, 160 Park Hill Avenue, Staten Island
Ridgewood Food & Drink Festival: Spend the day eating sweet and savoy delights! BBQ, tamales, cupcakes, cookies, pies, and much more. There is also food to buy and take home via the Ridgewood CSA. Live music too! 12PM – 6PM, The Footlight, 465 Seneca Avenue, Queens
Saturday, September 30 – Sunday October 1, 2017
Chelsea Flea & Antiques Market: If you’re looking for cool vintage treasures, this is the place. Look for the white tents on the north side of the street, and start your hunt. You’ll find jewelry, clothing, home decor, instruments, ephemera, and lots of things you can’t even imagine. 6:30AM – 6PM, 25th Street between Broadway & 6th Avenue, Manhattan
St. Dominic’s Church Flea Market: You never know what you’ll find at a church flea market. I found one of my favorite avocado green cashmere scarves for $5 at one once. This one could be the one for you! 9AM – 3PM, St. Dominic’s Church, 2001 Bay Ridge Parkway, Brooklyn
Second Oddities Flea Market: The Brooklyn Bazaar is hosting 43 vendors of “medical history ephemera, anatomical curiosities, natural history items, osteological specimens, taxidermy, jewelry, one of a kind art, bizarre flair, and much more.” Food and drinks too! $3 cash admission at the door, but you can get VIP tickets via Atlas Obscura for $15. 11AM – 6PM, Brooklyn Bazaar, 150 Greenpoint Avenue, Brooklyn
St. Philips Episcopal Church Flea Market: Come shopping for gently used clothing and household items, and make sure you take a good look at the beautiful church. 10AM – 4PM, 1072 – 80 Street, Brooklyn
Sunday, October 1, 2017
79th Street Greenmarket: When you imagine a beautiful, urban farmers market, this one should come to mind. Almost 40 vendors are selling local produce and products beneath the tall trees alongside the Natural History Museum. And this weekend is the 5th Annual Sauce Off! Taste tomato sauce from all the different farmers and pick your favorite – if you can even decide! 9AM – 5PM, Columbus Avenue between 77th and 81st Streets, Manhattan
Greenpointers Festival of Lights Fall Market: You’ll find dozens of fabulous local craft artisans selling their handmade jewelry, candles, body products, art, home decor, and lots of other things you need. Plus lots of activities, from henna tattoos and nail art to tarot card readings and yoga sessions, all in the beautiful Greenpoint Loft. 1PM – 7PM, Greenpoint Loft, 67 West Street, Brooklyn
Karen Seiger, Markets of New York City
#KarenSeiger #FoodMarket #BrooklynBazaar #79thStreetGreenmarket #FairLadyFallCraftstravaganza #ChelseaFleaampANtiquesMarket #QueensMarket #RidgewoodFodoampDrinkfestival #parkHillCommunityMarketampFestival #StDominicsChurchFleaMarket #SecondOdditiesMareket #FarmersMarket #StatenIslandmarkets #Greenmarket #MarketsofNewYorkCity #Afticanimmigrantcommunity #StPHilipsEpiscopalChurchFleaMarekt #MuseumofNaturalHistory #ArtisanMarket #NapelaNYC #GreenpointersFestivalofLIghtsFallMarket #FleaMarket #WeekendMarketPicks